Digital books

Astrology  I  Ayurveda and healt  I  Biography  I  Courses, Seminars, Study  I  Deity worship, samskaras  I  Holy places in India  I  Philosophy  I  Practical application  I  Religion - Christianity ,Buddhism, Islam  Sastras, Acharyas and Swamis  I  Science  I  Verses, Prayers and Songs

In this section you will find 8000 books, articles, essays, seminars, biographies and other practical information, which you can download. All items are organized in different categories.
Contents of all books is here >>

This section includes a powerful search-engine for the entire library to help you find whatever you are looking for.

In the digital library there is now more then 40 Gb of texts.

Books and articles are generally in Microsoft Word format .doc

Fonts - For viewing same word articles and books  you need sanskrit fonts. You can download from here and install them in your operation system.

Other formats are Adobe Reader .pdf picture format .jpg or Internet format .html

In this collection are no sanskrit books. If you want to read sanskrit texts please visit Sanskrit Text Repository.

Maximal size of file is 10 Mb and some parts are zipped  for practical reason.

On my hard disc there is another 100 Gb of digital books. It is not possible to upload this big size of documents and books. Here is index of my books and if you want, I can send some by internet sharing site. 


As in any library, there are many books and articles and they don’t have to correspond with your (or our) point of view. If you would like to have the most authoritive opinion on spiritual matters, please consult the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
Hare Krishna