Yajur Veda


The Yajurveda (Sanskrit: यजुर्वेदः yajurveda, a tat purusa compound of yajus "sacrificial formula" and veda "knowledge") is one of the four canonical texts of Hinduism, the Vedas. Yajurveda Samhita, or "compilation", contains the liturgy (mantras) needed to perform the sacrifices of the historical Vedic religion, and the added Brahmana and Śrautasutra add information on the interpretation and on the details of their performance.

The Yajurveda literature is divided into the White (Shukla) and the Black (Krishna) Yajurveda literature, and the latter is divided into four Branches (Shakas), the most important of which is the Taittiriya Shaka.