Parivrajak Swami
Italian born, Swami BV Parivrajak is a modern day free thinker, writer, scholar and active environmentalist.
Since 1985 he became an assiduous practitioner of bhakti-yoga under the guidance of renown teachers from both India and the West.
He managed and directed the ISKCON temple in Rome, Italy, in 1993 and the Rupanuga Bhajan Ashram of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Society (GVS) in Vrindavan, India, from 1994 to 1997. In 1994 he became a founding member of the World Vaishnava Association (WVA), of which he became one of its most enthusiastic supporters. Swami BV Parivrajak has been living in India for about ten years inspiring hundreds of seekers to tread the spiritual path. His name reflects his life's mission.
Parivrajak indicates someone who travels around the world preaching the message of God. To disseminate the teachings of the universal saints in a non-sectarian way is one of his main aims. He translated and published in Italian several books of his spiritual master, Srila BR Sridhar Maharaj. He wrote a book in Hindi about the ontological position of Lord Shiva and served as the editor-in-chief of WVA Panorama. Since few years he contributes regularly to Vaishnava Websites on the Internet such as VINA, VNN, Isvara and RVN (Russian Vaishnava News). His articles have been translated into the major languages of the world. In 1998 he started ACINTYA, an international movement inspired by the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Since then he began traveling regularly to Europe and throughout India.
Swami BV Parivrajak is the pathfinder for innumerable spiritual seekers from all over the world. His teachings are meant to overcome all kinds of spiritual problems and reach the balance which is needed in life. Their relevance is great in that they point to peace, true love and global prosperity. When he is not traveling, Swami BV Parivrajak resides at Puri, in Orissa, one of the most sacred pilgrimage places of India.