Sita Upanisada
Sita Upanishad falls in the category of Atharvaveda Upanishads. This Upanishad talks about the magnificence of Sita ji. This Upanishad talks about Sita ji through a medium of questions and answers. Devas ask some questions to Prajapati who answers by saying that Sita ji is the basis for eternal power. She also forms the basis for nature surrounding the whole earth. Sita ji has been called a form of nature and has been established as Yogmaya. Sita Upanishad Thought - Devas visit Prajapati and ask him about the character, nature and magnificence of Sita ji. They were curious to know everything about her. It is said that Sita ji forms the basis for the nature surrounding the earth. She is also a form of Yogmaya and possesses immense power.
Sita ji was married to Lord Rama due to which she helps in developing the whole world. She has been considered to be a mother to the whole world just like Lord Rama is considered to be the father. The truth is that Lord Rama possesses Maya and Sita ji is a form of Yogmaya. Sita ji has a magnificent character and presence in the whole world. She has been present in this world since the ancient times and has been helping with the welfare of the mankind. She is the one that provides everyone with nourishment and life. She resides everywhere including earth, day, night, sun etc. She resides in time and is present everywhere irrespective of the time, seasons, months, years etc.
Sita ji is a form of all sorts of power like Kriya-Shakti, Gyan-Shakti and Icha-Shakti. She is Lord’s Kriya-Shakti. She originated from Lord Hari’s mouth. She resides everywhere including Vedas, Devas, World, Fame etc. She has a distinctive character and magnificence out of all the Devas. She is extremely intelligent and indestructible.