Bhaktivedanta Nemi Maharaja
Bhaktivedānta Nemi Mahārāja Śrīpad Nemi Mahārāja.
Personal history:
I have been absorbed in the Vedic wisdom tradition for 35 years. I got an MA in Natural Sciences from Oxford, and I am a retired management consultant and therapist. I was a Zen monk in Japan many years ago. Now I’m a monk again, this time a travelling Vedic sannyasi. The yoga of divine love (bhakti-yoga) helps me to get love and the meaning together with a minimum of hang-ups and hindrances. I love feeling live contact with loving, transcendental personalities, feeling them draw me into their world, feeling them work through me. Swami BV Nemi is available to facilitate workshops and seminars on the subject of the Yoga of Living and Loving and Post Vedic-materialism.
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