Ekachakra is a small village, located 20 km away from the town of Rampurhat in the Birbhum District of West Bengal. Within tradition, the five Pandavas from the epic, Mahabharata are described as staying in Ekachakra during their years in exile. It is also famous as the birthplace of Nityananda Prabhu (b 1474 CE), a principal religious figure in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.
Nityananda Prabhu was born to a religious Maithil Brahmin, known as Hadai Ojha and Padmavati in Ekachakra (a small village in Birbhum district of present West Bengal) around the year 1474. His devotion and great talent for singing Vaishnava hymns were apparent from a very early age. In his youth, he would generally play the part of Lakshman, Rama's younger brother, in dramatic re-enactments of Lord Rama's pastimes, along with the other boys of Ekachakra.
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