Address: Bharatwada Road, Ramanuja Nagar, Near Kalmana Market, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India – 440008
Phone: +91 9423635311, +91 9422811507, +91 8888841866, +91 9860818137, +91 937015638
+91 9370147022, +91 9370164102, +91 9422825871, +91 9970172463
Website: Email:
Presently there are no guest rooms available in the Temple premises. Males can be accommodated in the bramhachari ashram for up to three days provided you book for the same at least 10 days in advance. There is also Gomti Hotel very close to the temple in case you are desirous to stay there you could inform us in advance for doing the booking.
Pure and delicious Prasadam is served in the temple free of cost to our member guests for up to three days.