ISKCON San Paulo - New Gokula
Festival of India I Harinama I Janmastami 2003 I Jayapataka Swami visit I Jubilee of Deities I Nama Hatta
ISKCON New Gokula
Bhakti Marga Street, Highway 28 From Pindamonhangaba Ribeirao Grande – SP PO Box 1009 Pindamonhangaba 12400-990 – SP (12) 3645.8235,
Web site:
Considered the largest Hare Krishna farm in Latin America, New Gokula works like all farms, growing vegetables and organic products, protection and care of cows, peacocks and wild animals. The name means Gokula, in Sanskrit, "abode of cows."
The farm is a center of Vedic culture, with seminars theological studies, practice organic farming and a clinic with services therapies, massages and food based on Ayurvedic Medicine. A life of its residents revolves around Krishna, who is revered in the temple daily. The reserve also has an apiary and livestock symbolic as the peacocks, and horses and a varied fauna with sloths, toucans and wild birds. New Gokula is considered one of the major tourist spots in the region of Vale do Paraíba, receiving, per year, over 12 thousand visitors even from abroad.