Dharma and non violence are synonyms

 By Srila B. B. Tirtha Maharaj - 8.1 2016

One cannot quarrel in the name of dharma. There cannot be any fight.

What is dharma? 

Dharma means which holds the Individual, Family, Society, Country, All world, together. There cannot be any quarrel by dharma. This is general meaning of dharma.

Dharma has various limbs, namely Brahmacharya i.e.to observe celibacy or to withdraw from all sex connections. Complete Celibacy. If anybody restricts his passion, does he do harm to family, society, country, continents? If anybody observe brahmachrya , does that person do any harm to anybody?

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Then is satya, Speaking truth. Will it hurt family, society, country? By adharma you are disturbing the whole world? All the scams, etc comes under adharma. If anybody tell lie then it is adharma. Adharma brings disturbance. Adharma means misguiding the people. Only ritualistic worship is not dharm.

Tapasya - one withdraw senses from all objects of sensual pleasure. While performing penance, does he inflict injury to anybody in this World. We are all doing all kinds of sins for sense gratification. If anybody does anything to control that, will he harm anyone? 

Charity:  Whatever one earns, uses for self and do not give to anyone else including family members. This is Adharma. One has taken the help of parents. How was one brought up? Without parents would one survive in this world? Everyone is indebted to them. They have right over your income. If one does not give them any money then it is adharma. Every adharma has a reaction. One take help of other human-beings, demigods. They are giving us air, water, grains, etc. We must pay them back. If we are not giving anything then it is adharma. One must give charity or contribution. Now, if anybody follows this practice, then does this bring harm to society? If one does not do this and uses money purely for self enjoyment then that man is doing adharma. By that he is creating all sorts of problems in this society.

Dharma cannot bring violence, only peace. One must understand this. Sinful acts and the reactions are due to adharma.

Niyam-- This means following a regulated life. If one does not observe regulation of body, he/she will be diseased. One may have many more difficulties. Regulation of mind, Society, institution, etc is required. There should be discipline. This is dharma.  One follows these rules for enhancement of body, enhancement of mind, intellect, in proper way, as per instructions of experience authorities, guides. Does following regulation harm anybody?