Lord Hari is the ultimate cause of universal creation

By editor - 20.12 2024

ŚB 10.69.44
एवं मनुष्यपदवीमनुवर्तमानो
नारायणोऽखिलभवाय गृहीतशक्ति: ।
रेमेऽङ्ग षोडशसहस्रवराङ्गनानां
सव्रीडसौहृदनिरीक्षणहासजुष्ट: ॥ ४४ ॥
evaṁ manuṣya-padavīm anuvartamāno
nārāyaṇo ’khila-bhavāya gṛhīta-śaktiḥ
reme ’ṇga ṣoḍaśa-sahasra-varāṅganānāṁ
evam — thus; manuṣya — of human beings; padavīm — the path; anuvartamānaḥ — following; nārāyaṇaḥ — the Supreme Lord, Nārāyaṇa; akhila — of everyone; bhavāya — for the welfare; gṛhīta — having manifested; śaktiḥ — His potencies; reme — He enjoyed; aṅga — my dear (King Parīkṣit); ṣoḍaśa — sixteen; sahasra — thousand; vara — most excellent; aṅganānām — of women; sa-vrīḍa — shy; sauhṛda — and affectionate; nirīkṣaṇa — by the glances; hāsa — and laughter; juṣṭaḥ — satisfied.
In this way Lord Nārāyaṇa imitated the ways of ordinary humans, manifesting His divine potencies for the benefit of all beings. Thus He enjoyed, dear King, in the company of His sixteen thousand exalted consorts, who served the Lord with their shy, affectionate glances and laughter.
ŚB 10.69.45
यानीह विश्वविलयोद्भववृत्तिहेतु:
कर्माण्यनन्यविषयाणि हरिश्चकार ।
यस्त्वङ्ग गायति श‍ृणोत्यनुमोदते वा
भक्तिर्भवेद् भगवति ह्यपवर्गमार्गे ॥ ४५ ॥
यस्यात्मबुद्धि: कुणपे त्रिधातुके
स्वधी: कलत्रादिषु भौम इज्यधी: ।
यत्तीर्थबुद्धि: सलिले न कर्हिचिज्
जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखर: ॥
yānīha viśva-vilayodbhava-vṛtti-hetuḥ
karmāṇy ananya-viṣayāṇi harīś cakāra
yas tv aṅga gāyati śṛṇoty anumodate vā
bhaktir bhaved bhagavati hy apavarga-mārge
yāni — which; iha — in this world; viśva — of the universe; vilaya — of the destruction; udbhava — creation; vṛtti — and maintenance; hetuḥ — He who is the cause; karmāṇi — activities; ananya — of no one else; viṣayāṇi — the engagements; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; cakāra — performed; yaḥ — whoever; tu — indeed; aṅga — my dear King; gāyati — chants; śṛṇoti — hears; anumodate — approves; vā — or; bhaktiḥ — devotion; bhavet — arises; bhagavati — for the Supreme Lord; hi — indeed; apavarga — liberation; mārge — the path toward whom.
Lord Hari is the ultimate cause of universal creation, maintenance and destruction. My dear King, anyone who chants about, hears about or simply appreciates the extraordinary activities He performed in this world, which are impossible to imitate, will surely develop devotion for the Supreme Lord, the bestower of liberation.
Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī has given various meanings for the word ananya-viṣayāṇi. This term may indicate that the Lord performed activities in Dvārakā that were unusual even for His plenary expansions, to say nothing of others. Or the term can be understood to indicate that the Lord performed these activities for the sake of His pure, exclusive devotees. In any case, one who recites or hears accounts of these pastimes will certainly be engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and, as Śrīla Prabhupāda writes: “certainly find it very easy to traverse the path of liberation and taste the nectar of the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa.” Śrīla Prabhupāda further points out that the word anumodate here indicates that one who “supports a preacher of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement” will also receive the benefits mentioned here.
Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Tenth Canto, Sixty-ninth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Nārada Muni Visits Lord Kṛṣṇa’s Palaces in Dvārakā.”