The Geopolitical Journey Ahead
By editor - 4.12 2024
With the onset of wars in Ukraine and Israel, the tensions between the US and China, increasing threats of nuclear war, the increasing conflict between the left and right wings all over the world, the growing power of bodies like the BRICS, the increasing role of G20 in the world, the rising unity of the Global South, the increasing move away from the US dollar, and the declining status of the Western hegemons, the geopolitical tensions have flared up significantly in the last few years. More and more people want to understand what is behind these problems, where the world is headed, and if there is any hope. This article is devoted to discussing these geopolitical topics.
Most people discussing geopolitics at present focus on the superficial: The immediate past, the struggle for wealth and resources, the traits of individual leaders, etc. While all these are true at some level, we cannot unite people into a cohesive political force without an ideology. Most people fight with others for wealth. To unite them into a collective fighting force, we need an ideology. Hence, an ideology, elevated to the status of a religion, underlies the unity in society. The word religion comes from the Latin religare which means to bind together. People are bound together into a collective force through religion. Geopolitical commentators don’t talk about the religious underpinnings of politics. They can tell what is happening, and how it is happening, but their diagnosis of why it is happening is almost always misleading.
In this article, I will emphasize the why, and limit the details on what and how. Most of the article is historical and factual. However, in the end, I will give my sense of what the future holds, which is speculative, although not detached from reality. The world is undergoing a major transformation. The colonial exploitative structure created by the Western powers over the last few centuries is collapsing, and wars are the last-ditch attempt to salvage it. These wars will accelerate and culminate in the next 15 years, to create a new global order, better than the past centuries. But before things get better, they will get worse. There is pain in this path but light at the end of the tunnel.
Table of Contents
1 The American Political Landscape
1.1 The American Political Worldview
1.2 The American Political Differences
1.3 The American Economic Backers
2 The American Political Hegemony
2.1 American-Backed World Peace
2.2 The Emergence of the Petrodollar
2.3 American Economic Exploitation
3 The American Islamic Jihad Machine
3.1 Abrahamism Destroys Patriotism
3.2 Americans Can’t Fight Their Wars
3.3 Americans Created Islamic Jihad
4 The American Russia-China Strategy
4.1 American War on Communism
4.2 America’s Russia-China Surprise
4.3 The Creation of New Cold Wars
5 The Failure of the Russia-China Strategy
5.1 Failure of the Democrat Russia Strategy
5.2 Failure of the Republican Russia Strategy
5.3 The Direction of the China Strategy
6 The American Propaganda Strategies
6.1 Flip-Flopping Propagandas
6.2 Left-Right Ideological Wars
6.3 The Hierarchy of Countries
7 The End of Economic Exploitation
7.1 Controlling the Economy Using Interest
7.2 Interest Rates Aren’t Always Useful
7.3 The End of the American Economy
8 The End of Militaristic Hegemony
8.1 The Coming Economic War Upon China
8.2 Potential War in the Middle East
8.3 The Decisive War of the Century
9 Returning the World Back to Sanity
9.1 America’s Increasing War on India
9.2 India May Become the Top Power
9.3 The End of Western Hegemony
The American Political Landscape
The American Political Worldview
Modern geopolitics is easy to understand if we look at the world through the eyes of Americans, who have two different visions of the world—supported by their two parties, Democrats and Republicans. Both believe in the myth of American Exceptionalism, i.e., that Americans are the supreme country and people meant to rule the world. Their differences lie in how they want to become world emperors.
Republicans believe that they will reach their goal of global conquest by spreading Christianity. For them, Protestantism is the purest form of Christianity, Catholicism is less pure, and Orthodoxy is the least pure. Therefore, it is not just any Christianity that will bring American power, but Protestant Christianity. The cornerstone of Protestant thinking is the doctrine called Sola Fide, which means salvation by faith alone, not by actions. There is no action that makes humans qualified for heaven. It is by pure faith. Their idea of a better world is Protestants converting the whole world to their version of Christianity. But in that process, the converters remain superior to the converted, and the latter serve the former, producing a social hierarchy of master and slave.
Democrats believe that they will reach their destination by spreading democracy to the world, which means many competing parties in a country, all fighting and weakening each other, that each country should be multicultural and multireligious so they can foment conflict and disturbance between cultures and religions at will, the country’s economies should be open to foreign investment to allow Americans to own property, resources, and people, that they should be able to use their wealth, power, and influence to change the country’s society, polity, and economy to whatever suits American interests. Democrats don’t believe in God; they want to replace God with government, be a part of that government, and thus enjoy money, power, and influence. However, to not antagonize their voters, they put on a sham of religion.
Republicans agree with Democrats on the need to spread democracy to the world; through that, they not only see the potential to get more wealth, power, and influence but also to infiltrate those societies to spread Christianity. For Republicans, wealth, power, and influence are a means to an end, while for Democrats they are the end. Republicans also export democracy to the world, just like the Democrats, but don’t like a multiracial, multiethnic, or multireligious society, entailed by the democracy, within their country. And so, we see great synergy between Democrats and Republicans with regard to their foreign policy—i.e., spreading democracy to the world—but great disagreement between them regarding the domestic policy.
Wealth and religion are intricately linked for Republicans due to their invention called the Prosperity Gospel, under which God blesses those who spread Christianity with wealth. If you want to be rich, spread Christianity. If you spread Christianity, you will get rich. Democrats just want to be rich without Christianity. Since both agree that they want to be rich, they are aligned on their foreign policy. Anyone expecting a drastic change in American foreign policy with the change of guard in America is dreaming. Their goals are the same; their methods may differ.
The American Political Differences
Democrats believe in a big government that controls all parts of society by doling out money to people through social security programs (education, healthcare, childcare), and talking about equality between genders, races, and sexual orientations. They believe that the unit of society is the individual rather than the family. If families can be replaced by individuals, then consumption will grow (as each individual needs a separate home, car, oven, toaster, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc.) and thus the economy will also grow. They also know that as society is fragmented there is more crime, so you need more regulation, which requires a bigger government controlling every aspect of life. As society fragments, there is greater debt, so you need big banks lending money to people. You also need to be able to control society through social media, propaganda, and secret surveillance.
Republicans believe in a small government that gives freedom to individuals to do whatever they think is good for them. They don’t like money being spent on social security programs. They don’t believe in the equality of genders, races, religions, or sexual orientations. They believe that the unit of society is the family and not the individual. However, men are the heads of the family, and women and children should be obedient to the men. They believe that if the family system is preserved, there will be less crime in society, the debt burden will be reduced, and the government will need fewer regulations. Republicans believe that nature exists for man to exploit, as the God-given right of man’s dominion over nature. Protecting nature from man’s dominion is idolizing or worshipping nature, contrary to God’s will for man.
The American Economic Backers
Based on different ideologies, Democrats and Republicans are backed by different businesses. Democrats are backed by Big Tech, banks, and FMCG while Republicans are backed by oil and gas, chemicals, and manufacturing. Pharma, media, and defense are equally divided between both sides because (a) pharma depends on the government spending on healthcare on the demand side and on the chemicals industry on the supply side, (b) the military depends on people willing to fight for the country on the Republican side and government willing to spend on big military projects on the Democrat side, and (c) since people are polarized around ideologies so they listen to news and entertainment based on their worldview.
Everything in America looks highly polarized outwardly, but below the surface, there is only one thing that drives the country—the desire for global hegemony—which is given an ideological wrapper to make people think they are voting for an ideology. The pursuit of hegemony is barbaric. But if you wrap that pursuit in some ideology, it creates the appearance of a civilization. While pursuing hegemony, man is just an animal. But if that pursuit is wrapped within an ideology, then man is a thinking animal. Now you can sit on TV debates and talk about ideology as if you care for anything besides getting hegemony.
The American Political Hegemony
American-Backed World Peace
American hegemony in world politics originated with the World Wars in Europe. European countries had stolen enormous amounts of wealth during colonization; they feared and envied each other’s prosperity, power, and influence, which led to wars. To finance wars, they needed military supplies and wealth. Europeans traded the wealth stolen from colonized countries for American military equipment. This resulted in two big outcomes: (a) America got the world’s wealth and became the richest nation in the world, and (b) its military equipment industry grew enormously, which raised the overall manufacturing sector. While the whole world got poorer as a result of the two wars, America became richer.
At the end of WWII, Americans began asking themselves: What would we do without war? We have this huge military equipment industry which we built for European wars but that is now over. How are we going to keep our economy afloat without war when it was entirely built upon the need for war? The American answer was to wage more war. But that only addressed the demand side of the economy, not the supply side. If Americans wage war on the world, who is going to pay for it? The American answer was that the whole world shall pay for the wars that America wages in the world, if Americans can clothe this war for American profits into the ideological wrapper called Pax Americana—the peace, democracy, rule of law, human rights, globalization, capitalism, and world trade, ensured by the American military.
The Emergence of the Petrodollar
In the post-WWII era, Americans began building military bases all over the world, empowered as a result of the wealth acquired in WWII. In so doing, they began creating vassal states, which were free on paper but in reality, they were territories occupied by American military bases. The creation of NATO allowed America to do this all over Europe. But similar bases sprung up in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and others. Through these bases, the American military could project power far beyond its shores. Of course, the enormous costs of this military expansion, and its natural outcome (wars), began dragging the American economy down to the point that all the wealth they had gained during the two World Wars ended by the late 1960s. America now needed a new source of money to continue projecting its power.
This is when Americans came up with an ingenious oil-for-security scheme with Saudi Arabia in which the latter agreed to sell all its oil in dollars, in exchange for its security, thus forcing everyone to stock American dollars. As the demand for the dollar rose, its value rose too, depreciating all other currencies in the money market. All other commodities priced in different currencies now started being priced in the American dollar making it cheaper for Americans to buy everything from the rest of the world and making everything coming out of America more expensive for the world. American dollar effectively became gold—you carry tons of grain to get ounces of gold—although it was just printed paper.
American Economic Exploitation
As Pax Americana set in the world, Americans realized they could keep printing money, maintain a big military, and make everyone else pay for it. It costs $0.19 to print a $100 bill. As dollars were printed, their value depreciated but remained above the cost of printing—i.e., $0.19. By printing money, America began stealing everyone’s wealth—you earn $100, but its value reduces to $95 due to money printing, so effectively you lost $5. Meanwhile, Americans created $100 out of thin air by spending $0.19, and yet, they get to spend $95. Thus, everyone was losing money and Americans were gaining money. This was the new form of colonialism in which America colonized the whole world without occupying territories.
Money printing boosted the American economy—stocks, real estate, and technology. 95% of startups fail but since the rest of the world is paying for failure, Americans could keep trying startups by printing money and making the rest of the world pay for failure. All technology created by Americans through these startups became their property. But the rest of the world—which paid to create this technology by funding the excessive failure rate—had no share in it. In fact, after paying for the startup through their hard work, they had to pay extra for the technology that American startups had created. It was exactly like a thief who steals your car and then rents it back to you for a premium. Unaware of how this theft was working, Americans started calling themselves the greatest country in the world, when their success and prosperity were built on the backs of the money stolen from poorer countries. Technological innovation became the engine through which the rich-poor gap was maintained and broadened.
The American Islamic Jihad Machine
Abrahamism Destroys Patriotism
Christianity doesn’t create patriots because for them the Earth is an inert substance rather than a mother. The Earth exists for man, rather than man existing for the Earth. Hence, Christians don’t want to die for their country. This is truest for Protestants who are the most individualistic, less true for Catholics, and least true for Orthodoxy. Russians talk about Mother Russia but Americans never talk about Mother America. When patriotism is minimal or absent, Americans dying in a war creates an uproar in American society. A lot of pomp and circumstance has to be put on to thank people for their service and recognize fallen soldiers because for them dying for someone else—e.g., their motherland or countrymen—is religiously inconceivable. Whatever patriotism does exist is the result of giving it a religious color.
The pre-20th century American wars were rooted in religious beliefs—(a) the Revolutionary War which began as a colonial taxation issue was rooted in the rejection of paying taxes to the King of England because only God was king, (b) the Westward expansion till California, from the initial 13 colonies in the East, was rationalized as the Manifest Destiny of expanding Christianity within the land of the “savages”, and (c) the internal Civil War was rooted in the religious ideologies of racial superiority of Europeans.
In the 20th century, Americans were driven on religious grounds to enter the World Wars—they were fighting Imperialism and Fascism—contrary to the Protestant spirit of preventing any authoritarian ruler. Protestants believe that if a strong authoritarian ruler comes to power, people start worshipping the ruler instead of God, contrary to their religious principles—i.e., the abolition of the special rights of kings and priests. Socialism and Communism effectively replace God with government. Kaiser Wilhelm during WWI was an Imperialist. Hitler during WWII was a Fascist. Japan during WWII was an Imperial Power. Russia after WWII was Socialist-Communist. American opposition to these rulers was based on religion.
Even if a strong Republican leader comes to power the Democrats call him a Fascist to invoke the image of worshipping a ruler instead of God, along with fear of discarding the Christian ideological substrate of America. Similarly, whenever Democrats rise, Republicans call them Socialists-Communists, instilling in people the fear of moving away from Christianity. All these are religiously rooted political words.
When Americans fight other countries, they are said to be fighting Imperialism, Fascism, Socialism, and Communism, as the ideological opponents of Christianity, rather than for their land. Even if they appear to defend their land, they are defending their version of Christianity (called the “American way of life”), rather than their land. American patriotism is tied to Christianity, not their land. Followers of other religions (Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Catholics, and Orthodoxy) are not considered true patriots in America, even if they show great valor on the battlefield and die for the land. Even if they are honored, they are outsiders in the American hearts and minds. Thus, genuine patriotism doesn’t exist in Americans. It is either related to Christianity or a pretense. If Christianity weakens in America, patriotism will die.
While Jews share the Christian ideology, they are patriots for their motherland Israel because it has been their homeland since ancient times. Islam doesn’t share the Jewish ideology because they believe that Earth is an inert substance. They identify with Muslims across the world rather than their homeland. To make them fight, they have to be given the incentives of religion, rather than those of the homeland. However, Muslims are not ideologically opposed to Fascism, Imperialism, Socialism, or Communism, as long it doesn’t hurt them. They are often quite happy with a theocracy that rules with an iron hand. Of course, the usual schism between the Islamic sects has often made them fight each other too.
The depersonalization of nature in Abrahamic religions destroys patriotism because the Earth becomes a substance. And yet, if a country believes in its exceptional status based on ideological grounds, it fights for the ideology, rather than the motherland. It means that every war is now a religious war, a Crusade. War for defending a land is localized to a land. War for advancing an ideology is global. Ideological wars transform the military from a department of defense to a department of attack. Differences in ideologies are now settled not by dialogue and debate, but by war. This is most true for Christians, less true for Muslims, and least true for Jews. Christian, Islamic, and Jewish patriotism are thus different, and altogether different from the patriotism in other countries that treat the Earth as a mother.
Americans Can’t Fight Their Wars
Christianity began declining in America starting in the 1960s, especially among women and hippies. Women saw Christianity as patriarchy. Hippies sought mystical experience rather than doctrinal belief in God. African-Americans began seeing Christianity as a racist religion and started turning toward Islam. The rise of science and technology increased atheism among people. All these groups gathered to form counterculture movements in which either Protestantism was rejected or greatly marginalized. With the decline of the Protestant beliefs in fighting other ideologies, Americans saw anti-war protests.
Americans realized that they didn’t have the fiber to die in wars during the Vietnam and Korea wars. As killed soldiers came back in body bags, Americans began protesting in the streets. They had supported the American involvement in the World Wars because it benefitted them economically and there was a strong sense of ideological battle against Imperialism and Fascism. Now, the economic benefits did not exist and the ideological battle against non-Christian ideologies did not make much sense. In fact, most Americans did not even believe in the ideological war against Communism. They wanted to enjoy life rather than die in a war. Americans realized that they could not win a ground war where the chances of dying in combat were high. Of course, they could drop bombs or shoot missiles from land, air, or sea.
India, which has fought six big wars since independence in 1947, and lost thousands of soldiers in these wars, never saw anti-war protests because there is patriotic fervor in the country for the motherland. The fallen soldiers are lamented and cremated with honor but nobody protests because they died for their mother. Protesting against the soldier’s death would mean delegitimizing the mother’s honor.
Americans Created Islamic Jihad
With this realization, Americans began recruiting Islamic Jihadists to fight their wars instead, motivating them via religion. Americans began radicalizing Afghanis against the Soviet Union when they realized they could not win ground wars. They told Afghanis that it was their religious duty to fight the Russians. Once that radicalization defeated the Russians in the Afghan war, Americans created many Islamic Jihadist organizations—including Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Lashkar-e-Toiba. Americans used these radicalized elements to fight ground wars for them while supplying them with weapons, training, and funding.
The British and Americans caused the radicalization of the Middle East nations. This began with Iran, as it nationalized its oil resources to prevent their exploitation by the British, after which the American and British secret agencies engineered a coup that eventually replaced their democratically elected government with a theocratic state. Ayatollah Khomeini who came to power declared that all Middle East rulers were invalid according to Islam. The fear of theocracy spreading to the entire Middle East and dethroning the Sheikhs owning the oil fields gripped the whole region and led to the Iran-Iraq war in which both economies were destroyed. The Shia-Sunni divide between Iran and Iraq further fomented this trouble. As different parties took different sides in this conflict, their mutual enmities sowed the seeds of perpetual war.
War is good for the American economy. It allows them to sell a lot of weapons to the warring parties, which perpetuates the war. American threats to supply weapons to one side over the other allow them to control the entire region. The threat of being invaded by one of the parties armed by Americans is then mitigated by Americans establishing military bases in the Middle East meant to protect oil-rich nations from such invasions. The profits from the oil fields are funneled into weapons sales and into the American economy. Keeping the entire region perpetually in conflict is beneficial to the Americans. Sometimes Americans launch military attacks in this region to take control of the oil resources.
The rising threats of radical Islam in the region then fuel American sympathy for Israel as the nations radicalized by Americans are called threats to Israel. These are used to sell even more weapons to Israel. If any group in the Middle East becomes powerful, Israel asks America to attack it, or Americans give it weapons to attack them. The demand for weapons based on perpetual war keeps the American military-industrial complex going strong. After 9/11, Americans invaded Afghanistan to get Osama bin Laden but stayed there for 20 years to use its heroin production to finance their illegal operations. Then one fine day, they left $7B worth of weapons in the hands of the Taliban, whom they were supposedly fighting for 20 years, letting them massacre thousands of Afghanis who had helped Americans in the past.
Americans have always had a double standard on Islamic Jihad—(a) they radicalized Islam to fight the battles they could not fight, (b) they used these Jihadis against India to destabilize the country, in the Middle East to create wars and use it as a pretext to enter the war and take control of the oil resources, in Africa to install puppet regimes that will allow them to exploit natural resources, and (c) when these Jihadis turned against American interests, they called for war against Islamic terror, but kept it going for long to justify their continued occupation of territories that supplied them with oil and heroin.
The American Russia-China Strategy
American War on Communism
At the end of WWII, Americans began waging an ideological war against the Soviet Union. In this war, Americans were the good guys who believed in Christianity, democracy, and capitalism while Russians were the bad guys who were atheists, autocratic, and socialists. Each side had partisan favorites, which created the East-West European divide. Each side wanted to ideologically influence the world. Thus arose the concept of First-World and Second-World; of course, the American camp was the first, and the Russian camp was the second. Those who did not want to align with either side formed the Non-Aligned Movement which came to be known as the Third World. It largely comprised Global South countries.
After extending their influence over Eastern Europe, Russians wanted to extend their influence in Asia. They began attacking China and were using subversive tactics in India. Americans saw an opportunity in this and approached both China and India to align with their camp. China agreed but India refused.
The American deal with China was that Americans would bring in money and technology, allow the Chinese economy to grow, and in exchange, China would cut its ties with Russia. For the Americans, there were two angles to this deal: (a) by proving capitalism works in China, they will take them away from socialism and thus ideologically weaken Russia, and (b) as capitalism spreads in China, Americans hoped that the country would democratize, and then they would then be able to spread Christianity in China.
America’s Russia-China Surprise
As China took the American deal, its prosperity grew, and China pulled millions of people out of poverty. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Russia again turned toward capitalism. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 created the unipolar moment in the world. America was now the sole superpower, its ideology and tactics had won, and Americans began thinking that they would soon rule the world.
Americans believed that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia would never be able to rebuild itself into a big power. After all, Americans are powerful because they control and exploit the world. If there is nobody else to control and exploit, how can any country rise on its own? America applied its self-logic of power to Russia and made a mistake. Russia did regain power on its own. Americans also believed that as China takes to capitalism, it will democratize. That also failed. China took the money, built its industry and technology, and remained communist. Both Russia and China have now become strong powers.
The American hubris, created after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was short-lived. In less than 20 years (1990-2010), China and Russia emerged as powers that could contend with the Americans. Russians also discovered massive oil resources in the Arctic Sea, which are locked until the ice melts. As oil runs out in the Middle East (and other places), Russians have a supply of energy from the Arctic Sea. Likewise, as China builds its manufacturing and technology, and spreads its wings all over the world, it doesn’t need American technology and money anymore. This has come as a great shock to the Americans.
The Creation of New Cold Wars
To weaken Russia, Americans have been itching to create a war between Russia and Europe. They portray Russia as a hegemonic power, hell-bent on conquering Europe, autocratic and dictatorial, to create fear in Europeans with the intent to expand NATO all over Europe. Americans know that as they expand NATO, they will install more American military bases in Europe and gain control over European society and economy. Meanwhile, the expansion of NATO will create a war with Russia. In this war, Americans will supply weapons (boosting their military-industrial complex) and make Europeans fight the ground wars. The war will cut Russia-Europe economic ties, and destroy both their economies, returning them back to the post-WWII era when they had to depend on America.
To weaken China, Americans have been applying sanctions on Chinese exports—primarily related to technology. There is little that America actually creates today. There is military equipment, which China is building on its own; banking and finance technology, which China has built for itself; internet platforms for social media, online shopping, and search, which China has indigenous versions of; transportation technology, which China has already developed; electronic consumer products, which China has already built for itself. China lags in medicines, chemicals, some rare elements, and food supplies. But Americans are not the only suppliers for these things; China has many alternative options. Americans don’t have a genuine strategy to counter China at this point. Their main hope is that China will attack Taiwan, and then Americans will intervene in the war, escalate it into a bigger war, and destroy China in that war.
There is greater European interest in China, which means that while Americans are trying to undermine China, Europeans are supporting it. The American fix for this problem has been to weaken Europe by flooding it with refugees from Islamic countries into Europe. Europe could have invited Indians, Chinese, or other Southeast Asian nations to compensate for its declining population. They would have worked hard, created new things, paid their taxes, preserved their culture, and yet, been loyal to Europe. But Europe invited or reluctantly accepted people from Islamic countries, under American pressure. Even as few people from these countries are radicalized, they are enough to create trouble in society. If we know that Americans use Islamic Jihad to fight ground wars, then we know what they are for in Europe.
Of course, Europeans are not totally innocent in this process either. They colonized African countries for centuries, plunged them into economic turmoil, which created the impetus for people from colonized nations to move to European countries, that earlier stole their wealth, to lead prosperous lives. Even as they migrate to Europe, they haven’t forgotten their former humiliation and harbor resentment. If they are radicalized enough through religion, coincidentally sponsored by oil-rich American allies like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others, their desire for revenge transforms into a religious war on Europe.
The Failure of the Russia-China Strategy
Failure of the Democrat Russia Strategy
Democrats and Republicans agree that Russia and China are their big enemies, but they approach them differently. Democrats reasoned that Russia’s power comes from giving energy to Europe, so if Russia and Europe fight a war, Russia will lose its energy revenue from Europe and collapse. Hence, they tried to expand NATO to Ukraine, precipitating a war with Russia, and hoping to isolate Russia from Europe. That sent Russia into China’s arms, without denting Russian revenues. India also started buying Russian oil, refining it, and began exporting it to Europe. Instead of getting energy directly from Russia, Europe now gets it from India, at higher costs. This has massively and adversely impacted European economies.
At present, there is anger against Americans in a sizable number of Europeans, who want to eliminate NATO, throw Americans out of Europe, reestablish a relationship with Russia, go back to trading and investing with China, and throw out the Islamic refugees from Europe. Democrats are terrified of losing Europe too, after having been defeated in their Russia strategies. Their sole hope is that they will be able to expand NATO but other European countries are not interested as they want to minimize American influence.
Failure of the Republican Russia Strategy
Given that the Democrat strategy has failed, let’s look at the Republican approach, which prioritizes China over Russia. Republicans would like to separate Russia from China, rebuild the Russia-Europe economic relationship, and then pressure Europe into paying for NATO, at the threat of Americans leaving NATO. Republicans want to funnel this extra money back into their fight against China. If they can rebuild the Russia-Europe relationship, separate Russia from China, and then make Europe pay for NATO, then they can reduce three problems—Europe, Russia, and China—to just one, i.e., China.
The problem is that Americans have already lost Russia’s trust. Americans promised Russia that they would not expand NATO, and they broke the promise. Americans had Minsk Peace Agreements to assure Russia that they would not militarize Ukraine against Russia, and they broke the promise. Americans signed nuclear disarmament treaties with Russia and then backed out. Since Americans have been consistently untrustworthy, Russia is not very likely to believe in American promises now; hence, they won’t leave China. If that means the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine war, let America keep paying for it.
Europe is not likely to agree to pay Americans more for NATO because it had accepted NATO at the end of WWII as it needed American money. Either America lives up to its side of the bargain—i.e., give money and take military control—or Europeans will walk out of NATO, join hands with Russia, and form a defense partnership that eliminates the American role in Europe. Americans often don’t understand that today’s situation is not a post-WWII scenario. America created the Ukraine war because it had NATO control. Now, America should compensate Europe for its losses rather than make Europe pay for the losses caused by America. Hence, the Republican approach to Europe is not likely to work.
The Direction of the China Strategy
China is in big trouble right now because of its overleveraged economy: Its total debt is 300% of its GDP. Their real-estate sector, which constituted 30% of their economy, is nearly finished because the real-estate developers built aggressively by borrowing money, the demand did not match the supply, the developers could not repay the debt, could not finish the promised projects, and went bankrupt. Their exports, which constituted another 30% of the economy, are also in trouble due to Western tariffs and sanctions. Their previously ambitious Belt-and-Road initiative, akin to the new Silk Road, is saddled with huge debt with no returns in sight. Their population is declining due to the one-child policy implemented for many decades. Their global reputation has taken a hit due to predatory lending practices in which defaults on loans force a transfer of property into Chinese control, even after partial payment. They have territorial disputes with 13 countries. Their political and military leadership is frequently purged.
But all this weakness in China doesn’t mean America is strong. As noted above, America doesn’t produce much that China needs but China produces a lot that America needs so America cannot hurt China economically without hurting itself much more. There is an illusion that the guy who demands has power over one who supplies; it is like saying that the hungry man has power over the man with food. It is not true, economically. But if the hungry man has a gun and the man with food doesn’t, then the hungry man can steal food at gunpoint. American demand is built on taking food at gunpoint from those without guns. It is not economic power; it is military power. It lasts until the other side also gets a gun.
If America sanctions China, Americans will lose jobs, which will move back to China. If America tariffs Chinese products, the costs of goods for Americans will increase. The rising costs and/or job losses will lead to people pulling money out of their assets (stocks, bonds, housing), which will tank the asset values, resulting in bank defaults and bankruptcy. More people will rely on social security, the debt burden will increase, and the tax revenue will decline. This will create contradictory monetary problems—(a) as inflation rises, more people need loans to survive, the Federal Reserve will have to decrease the interest rates, and (b) as the market is flooded with money, the American dollar will depreciate, forcing the Federal Reserve to increase interest rates. Should the Federal Reserve increase or decrease rates? If they increase interest, people will struggle to survive. If they decrease interest, the dollar will depreciate, and people will still struggle to survive.
However, this creates an opportunity for the ultra-rich: They can buy stock and property cheaply, effectively transferring wealth from the poor to the rich. Every economic crash is an opportunity for further concentrating the assets in the hands of a few, making most people dependent on the government, empowering the elites, and disempowering the rest. As wealth concentrates, the society returns to feudalism, preparing the ground for a revolution, which will take it back to communism. America cannot wage an economic war on China, without hurting itself more. To survive, it has to enter a military war with China. There is a chance that America can hurt China more in a military war. That is where the America-China conflict is headed—toward a military war after the failure of the economic war.
The American Propaganda Strategies
Flip-Flopping Propagandas
At the turn of this century, Americans were going ga-ga about the Chinese economic miracle, heaping praise on its leadership for lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, expressing wonder at the cities, skyscrapers, and trains, giving entry to Chinese investors in Hollywood, praising the ancient Chinese civilization for inventing silk and paper, and writing exaggerated stories of the wonder of the Chinese Silk Road. 20 years later, China has become America’s #1 economic and geopolitical enemy.
At the turn of this century, Americans were waging a war on Islamic terror, invading Afghanistan and Iraq, Jihad was the biggest threat to the Western way of life, Islamic treatment of women was bad, every Muslim in the West was treated suspiciously, and many were investigated by secret agencies for terrorist activities. 20 years later, the criticism of Islam is called Islamophobia, people are canceled for critiques, Muslims are immigrating in large numbers to Europe, and now have powerful political positions.
What changed in the last 20 years that China went from an ally to an enemy and Islam went from an enemy to an ally? The answer is that China did not become an American puppet state despite taking American money. The American plan to convert China into a puppet state—like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines—boomeranged. China took a transactional approach to Americans—make manufactured goods, pay money, and don’t think of anything else. This is a problem for the Americans.
Meanwhile, the European proximity to China and Russia is also problematic for Americans. America wants Europe to remain its puppet and not ally with others. To weaken Europe, America floods it with Islamic refugees by creating chaos in the Middle East and forcing Europe to take those refugees when it should take them instead. This transformation requires Americans to invert the narrative from Islamic Jihad to Islamophobia. After invading many Islamic countries, Americans want to empower Islam to invade other societies where they can be weaponized by Americans to weaken those countries.
Left-Right Ideological Wars
When America was created as an independent country, the founders had a dilemma. On one hand, they believed that America was the country destined to spread Christianity all over the world. On the other, they knew that they had undergone centuries of religious persecution in Europe and did not want to repeat that in America by marrying religion into politics. Their strong Christian convictions clashed with their desire for freedom of religion, i.e., secularism, the separation of religion and state. This created a double standard in American politics—(a) it was de jure secular, and (b) it was de facto Christian.
The current Democrat-Republican schism in America is essentially an extension and precipitation of this double standard that has always existed in American society. Democrats lean toward secularism and Republicans lean toward Christianity. The political rhetoric from Democrats leans toward gender, racial, and religious equality, while that from Republicans leans toward Christian values, which essentially mean gender, racial, and religious discrimination. Democrats talk about the government ensuring social-economic-political equality while Republicans want the hegemony of European Christian values.
The creators of America had the idea that secularism and religion can coexist, which they exported to the world creating a war between religion and secularism in every society that accepted them as a role model. For instance, Americans talk about inalienable God-given rights. The question is: Which God? Is it the God who is fair toward women and blacks? Or is it the God who prefers white men? We can’t talk about God-given rights without a clear idea of God, which no Abrahamic religion has ever had. They simply make up their definition of God according to whatever suits them. Hence, religion means a definition of God that suits one group and secularism means something that suits everyone. We can never resolve the religion-secularism conflict without a clear and provable definition of God.
And so, Republicans and Democrats spread their unresolved battles to the whole world. Any society that wants to practice a religion different from Christianity is a problem for America because each religion brings a different idea of God (including the absence of God), which entails different God-given rights, incompatible with the rights that Americans created for themselves based on their unproven idea of God. America can never be a religiously tolerant country unless it either proves that its idea of God is the correct idea of God or accepts that there are infinite ideas of God incompatible with American ideas. The fact is that America will do neither of those. Hence, it cannot be a religiously tolerant society.
The Hierarchy of Countries
The American political establishment has a racist-religious idea about the hierarchy of nations—white Protestants are supreme, white Catholics are lesser, white Jews are even lesser, white Orthodoxy is even lesser, non-white Muslims are even lesser, non-white Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and other Asians are even lesser, non-white Hindus are even lesser, and black Africans are the lowest. This hierarchy creates the belief that America shall dominate the world after destroying every other religion on the planet.
The Chinese Communists have to subjugate the rest of Asia. The Russian Orthodoxy has to subjugate the Chinese Communists. The Catholic Europeans have to subjugate the Russian Orthodoxy. The Muslims have to subjugate the Hindus. The Jews have to subjugate the Muslims. The Catholics have to subjugate the Jews. The Protestants have to subjugate the Catholics. The American Protestants shall subjugate the other Protestants. This is the religious-racist hierarchy of societies and people. However, if some country surrenders to America—e.g. Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan—then America will play a cat-and-mouse game with them, keep them weak, use them tactically to fight their wars, but abandon them in times of crisis or defeat—after all, the ultimate goal is to have them defeated and destroyed.
Democrats and Republicans agree on this racist-religious hierarchy of countries which is why foreign policy almost never becomes an issue in American elections. Neither party raises major foreign policy issues against the other because both agree on the long-term American goals. At most, disagreements are about how to get to their destination, rather than the destination itself. This racist-religious hierarchy is seen in the portrayal of the rest of the world in American media—(a) mostly about itself, (b) less so about other Protestant countries (UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand), (c) even less about Catholic Europe, (d) even lesser about Israel, (e) even lesser about Russia, (f) even lesser about Arab Nations, (g) even lesser about Asians, (h) even lesser about Indians, and (i) least about Africans.
The history of American gangs depicts the order in which foreigners were assimilated into America. Until they were assimilated, they formed gangs to gain respect in society. The Irish Catholics were the first to form gangs because the Protestants would not let them assimilate into American society. After the Irish were assimilated, came the Jewish gangs. After the Jews were assimilated, came the Italian gangs. After the Italians were assimilated, came the Russian gangs. After the Russians were assimilated, came the Latino gangs. After the Latinos were assimilated, came the African gangs. An ethnic group’s power in American society depends more or less on their capacity for crime and violence. Asians and Indians never formed gangs, nor do they have political power in American society. Despite contributing the most to the American economy and technological progress, they have remained on the political fringes.
The End of Economic Exploitation
Controlling the Economy Using Interest
For more than five decades, Americans have simply moved the interest rate up and down to control their economy. It has worked because the debt so far has been low—(a) you can pay high interest on the debt if the debt is low, and (b) you can increase the debt with low interest if the debt is low. The rising and falling interest rates have created cycles of boom and bust. As the interest rates are lowered, the economy is flooded with money, creating a boom. Then comes the inflation, which is controlled by raising interest rates, which sucks back money from the economy, and it causes an economic bust. During the bust, there is impatience to go back to the boom. Hence, the bust is ended prematurely before it can suck all the inflation created during the boom by again lowering the interest rates, mostly due to political and economic pressures. Thus, with every boom-and-bust cycle, the debt increases a little bit more.
Once the debt is high, you cannot increase or decrease the interest rate because (a) increasing interest rates make the interest on a debt too high because the debt is high, and (b) decreasing interest rates makes the debt even higher and the interest on debt still goes high because the debt is high. Essentially, as the debt grows, the economy loses the only lever it was previously using to control the economy. Once the tipping point of debt growth is crossed, whatever anyone does, ends up making things worse.
Interest Rates Aren’t Always Useful
We can give the analogy of a person’s weight. A slim man cannot work without food and works after food. But a fat man cannot work without food and works less after food. The food that he ate but did not burn accumulates as fat and makes him even less capable of work. He has to be given a little food and forced to work a lot, to lose fat. This is what people call diet (less food) and exercise (more work). This is not just a difficult process, but also a long one. We cannot get rid of accumulated fat overnight.
Debt is a fat man. He needs food to work, but if we give him very little food, it goes into maintaining his current weight. If we give him too much food, he becomes fatter and works even less. This is why the economic lever of increasing and decreasing food alone doesn’t work. We have to force the fat man to work with little food and reduce fat, but at every step, there is a risk of falling back into the gorging state. Basically, it means that for Americans to fix their economy, they have to consume much less and work much more. A society addicted to hedonistic consumption cannot do that. Therefore, hardworking immigrants have to be imported from other places to make them work more while consuming less. Of course, that will create racial-ethnic conflict in society, but there is no other way to recover.
Americans are proud of their big economy. They don’t realize the difference between a strong man and a fat man. A strong man looks big and works a lot; a fat man looks big but cannot work. A strong man eats a lot and produces a lot; a fat man eats a lot and does little or nothing. American politicians keep making the fat man fatter and call that economic growth. They don’t understand that the fat man is courting death. In fact, American economists create economic theories to proclaim that the fat man can keep getting fatter forever.
The End of the American Economy
The American economic growth is due to financialization, counting non-productive activities as part of the economy, and using non-economic factors to boost it. Examples of financialization include stock market rise, housing price inflation, interest on debt, and packaging debt risk as assets. Examples of non-productive activities include high costs of healthcare, excessive costs of litigation, expensive education, high costs of childcare, exorbitant consumption of entertainment, and charging monopoly rent on outdated technologies and products. Examples of using non-economic factors include using military threats to lower costs of raw materials and increase prices of finished goods, using hype to raise the stock of unproven technologies beyond their true worth, forcing people to invest their earnings into the American bond market, to lower the currency supply and artificially increase its value in the money market.
A genuinely strong economy produces valuable things that require infrastructure, skills, and hard work. America doesn’t produce value and therefore doesn’t need infrastructure, skills, and hard work. By relying on financialization, non-productive activities, and non-economic activities to boost the economy, the money comes in cheap, is not invested in infrastructure, skill development, and hard work, and feeds consumption without production. That is a fat man getting fatter.
The American economy is a mirage. It could be transformed into a productive economy over a couple of decades if America cooperates with the world. But Americans don’t even talk about cooperation. They want hegemony. The American political and business elite still believe in their exceptionalism.
Hence, there is no way but down for America. How it happens is unclear but the cause of downfall is clear—the enormous debt that America has created. It could happen in many different ways—people stop buying American debt, stop trading in dollars, government cuts result in unemployment, people withdraw money out of the stock market or sell their properties to survive, there are defaults on bank loans, capital flies out of the American market to more lucrative shores, sanctions and tariffs force the migration of trade to other countries, America cancels its currency to cancel its debt which will destroy any remaining trust in the Americans, and possibly many more.
The End of Militaristic Hegemony
The Coming Economic War Upon China
Republicans believe that if they sanction and/or tariff China, they will rebuild manufacturing in America. They don’t ask: How long does that take? How much money does it require? How do you train people? It took China 25 years to build its manufacturing base, as it moved out of America. Both China and America consented to this move and worked in tandem. Now America wants to move it back overnight, without the Chinese consent. They think that if they apply sanctions and/or tariffs, China will reverse. And where will China go? Back to the Mao era, engineering a reverse cultural revolution, sending people back from factories to farming? Even if China consented to this reversal, it would take 25 years. But why would China consent? Starting a war without knowing what the enemy will do can be quite foolish.
As America plans to attack China through sanctions and/or tariffs, China is building relationships in Africa, and Central and South America. If Americans won’t take Chinese goods and technology, then others might. As America sanctions and/or tariffs China, the Chinese goods may go to Africa, Central America, and South America. The transition may take a few years but it is easier to shift trade than set up manufacturing. With that shift, Americans might have no buyers, sellers, and investors because who wants to invest in an economy that cannot trade with others? This may accelerate American decline.
Potential War in the Middle East
At this juncture, Americans may start thinking of waging new wars. Republicans have been itching to go to war with Iran. Overtly, they say it is because Iran has been building nuclear weapons. But Democrats had negotiated a peace settlement in which Iran would stop building nuclear weapons in exchange for Americans withdrawing their sanctions. But Republicans withdrew from that agreement. Now they want to use Iran’s nuclear weapons as a pretext to wage war on Iran. The real reason is that Americans want Iranian oil. If they can take control of Iranian oil fields, they can deny oil to China, and force it to comply with American demands. Iranian people are not happy with their theocracy either. While other countries in the Middle East have said that they don’t want to be used to attack Iran, America has military bases in these countries. They may be coerced into supporting Americans to avoid a war on themselves.
But there are big problems—(a) Iran may already have nuclear weapons, and (b) if America attacks Iran, Russia and China may come to its aid. China may come to its aid because it needs Iranian oil and Russia may come to its aid because Russia needs a strong China. Thus, the American war with Iran is not just a war with a potentially nuclear-equipped Iran but with nuclear-equipped Iran, China, and Russia. Americans have been complaining about a Russia-China-Iran Axis of Evil being formed for many years now. While it is given a religious cover, for Americans it is about oil, for Iran it is about sanctions on its economy, and for Israel it is about destroying Iran and the radical Jihadis it funds and equips against Israel.
If America attacks Iran, Russia and China will likely come to Iran’s aid—if not directly, then indirectly—by giving arms to Iran, and possibly arming Jihadis in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and other places in the world. There is already Russia-China-Iran cooperation in defense equipment sharing, which can expand. If Jihadis are activated, it will truly be the case of the Frankenstein of Islamic terror created by Americans turning on its creators. The Iranian theocratic government may fall, and Iran may become a democracy again, but Americans will likely lose the war, just as they lost in Afghanistan and Iraq because they cannot win a ground war, which is necessary to take control of Iranian oil and destroy its nuclear weapons.
The Decisive War of the Century
This is when Americans might start smaller wars in Africa, Central America, or South America, pressuring them to not trade with China, hoping to weaken its economy. But in how many places can America wage war? There are 54 African, 33 Central American, and 13 South American countries. If wars start in one place, China will try to shift its trade to another country, while America spends money on wars.
That leaves America no option but to go into a direct war with China, by the end of this decade or the beginning of the next one. This is likely to be the decisive war of this century. Russia might give outside support to China in this war, just like America supported Ukraine in the war with Russia. If this happens, China, America, and Russia will all be destroyed in this war—(a) America might win the war but ruin itself economically, (b) China is likely to lose this war and might be broken up into smaller countries, with the biggest being Tibet and China being limited to the Far East coast, and (c) Russia’s investments supporting China will not be recovered from the fragmented countries, adversely affecting the Russian economy. As Russia, America, and China are ruined in the war, Europe will likely plunge into economic depression.
With the destruction of all major economies following this war, the Global North may become very poor and prosperity will return to the Global South. If the Global North gives up its colonialist and expansionist mindset, it will recover in time; otherwise, it will sink into the erstwhile Dark Ages. This is how the world was for millennia before colonizers destroyed prosperous civilizations.
An average American thinks their leaders care about them because they are citizens of the same country. It is like thinking that the prisoner is the same as the guard because both are in the jail. They have no idea that for their elites, the average American is just like anybody else in the world. Just as their elites dehumanized other countries, they will do the same to their own country. Wasn’t this the case during the Dark Ages when the European elites exploited ordinary people for profits? Weren’t Christian serfs working as bonded laborers on lands owned by the Christian lords? Wasn’t the Catholic Church in bed with the French lords and nobles, both exploiting poor people, which led to the French Revolution? Did the European Enlightenment or Christianity stop the World Wars? Did Americans care that Europeans were dying by their weapons during the World Wars? Or were they busy profiting from Europeans killing Europeans? Does immigration to a new land change a society’s moral character?
People in the West don’t realize that they got a good life by stealing other’s wealth. It wasn’t due to a superior culture, religion, intellect, morality, or work. It was theft. Don’t criminals lead a good life? As long as a criminal can steal from others, there is a bonhomie in the family. But when criminals can’t steal from others, they start killing each other and the bonhomie disappears. The bonhomie in Western society is illusory. Peace at home was created by exporting war to the rest of the world. After defeat in the externalized war, the war will return home and destroy the bonhomie.
Returning the World Back to Sanity
America’s Increasing War on India
Americans have been creating a lot of trouble for India, anticipating its rise. They use American social media platforms during Indian elections to promote corrupt politicians and demote honest politicians, to keep India poor. Then they use TV and print media to say that India is corrupt and poor. They endlessly talk about Muslim persecution in India, disregarding the social upliftment programs (housing, electricity, water, education, and healthcare) that benefit Muslims more than Hindus. They target Indian businesses through short-selling and false reports of their financial misdemeanors and try to tank their stock value. They harbor Khalistani terrorists in the Five Eyes countries, use them to attack Indian embassies and temples, and describe violence as free speech. They try to coerce India to not buy Russian oil. They ask India to buy American weapons but don’t deliver them as promised. They dethrone governments in neighboring Islamic countries, hoping to push refugees into India, then change the Indian demography, influence election outcomes, and destabilize the country with religious violence. They equate patriotic Indian leaders working for global peace to violent fascists. They organize anti-Hindu conferences in America. They rake up issues of caste discrimination in American corporations and try to pass laws against upper-caste Hindus when Indian corporations have never faced accusations of such discrimination. They call Indian success in space and defense technology as misdirected expenditure. They incite Christian separatists against Hindus and rake up issues of Christian persecution in India. They create fictitious global indices on press freedom, democracy, and happiness, ranking India at the bottom. They invite political leaders defeated in Indian elections to give inflammatory and derogatory speeches about the declining state of Indian society, hoping to dim India’s reputation among favorable parties. If the Indian government creates policies that benefit the majority over the few, they incite the few into violent protests. But if the government does something that benefits the few over the majority, they call it against the majority.
The increasing adversity toward India is a symptom of the growing desperation in America that yet another influential power is on the horizon, which if not curtailed right away, may become a competitive threat to America later on. Americans absolutely hate the idea that India is rallying the colonized countries into a cohesive coalition, that India is a member of the BRICS, that India is respected in the G20, that the Indian Navy patrols and protects the Indian Ocean against pirates, that Indians are reviving their tradition and culture, that India is becoming self-reliant in military, and that many countries now want to partner with India in sourcing technology for finance, defense, and digital governance. They don’t realize how they are increasingly isolating themselves from the rest of the world, at a time when they need the world more than ever before, living in their imaginary fantasy bubble of global preeminence.
India May Become the Top Power
India sees the coming decline of the Global North and is constituting a strong Global South. It doesn’t want to fight America, Russia, or China. It wants peace in the world. But India also knows that they will not stop. Therefore, India makes token peace efforts and focuses on what comes after the decline of the Global North. India sees trade as the path for cultural exchange, and imparting the Vedic culture to the world. It calls these two Viśva-Mitra (friend of the world) and Viśva-Guru (teacher of the world).
As the world sinks into chaos due to wars created by the desire for American hegemony, India may also have some wars to settle its border conflicts but unless forced by others preemptively, they will be at the time of India’s choosing. These are territories occupied by Pakistan and China. India wants to liberate Tibet from Chinese control, ending the persecution of Buddhists at the hands of communism. Getting occupied territories back will give India access to Central Asia, and then to Russia and Europe, for land trade. The sea trade with Africa and South East Asia will continue. Trade opens up cultural exchange.
As Russia, China, and America go to war and destroy each other, while India marches quietly dealing with the bumps on the road, it is likely that by 2047, India will become a top economic and military power in the world—marking the 100th year of its independence from colonialism. However, India’s rise will most likely be very quiet because India has never been a flamboyant and loud-mouthed civilization in history. India prefers a path of quiet confidence, always showing humility, and underplaying its strengths.
Making your enemy think that you are weaker than what you actually are creates an element of surprise in war. In the Mahābhārata war, the Pāndavas fought with a 40% smaller army against the Kauravas, with all the great generals on the side of the Kauravas. In the Rāmāyana war, Rāmachandra fights with a rag-tag monkey army against the far more sophisticated and organized army of Rāvana. In the war between demigods and demons, the demigods always look weaker compared to the demons. But there is always a secret weapon that the enemy cannot see, or underestimates, which is used to defeat the enemy. Hiding your strengths, and making the enemy think that you are weak, is a classic Indian war strategy. Culturally speaking, most Indians dislike arrogant, bombastic, and pompous people and societies. They punish their own leaders if they display any kind of over-confidence or excessive exuberance.
The End of Western Hegemony
Christian countries gained power after five centuries of colonial exploitation. India wants to show that you can be prosperous by hard work and trade in a fraction of that time. Then there will be a strong moral and material argument against the colonial system of looting, killing, and exploiting—(a) you can be prosperous morally, (b) you can be prosperous quicker with morality, and (c) the prosperity gained through moral means is stable and long-lasting—to defeat the ideology that prevailed in the past.
Many countries in the Global South are looking toward India transforming itself before emulating it closely. The Indian freedom movement was an inspiration for many countries to come out of colonialism earlier. And yet, despite the colonizers seemingly abdicating power, they have continued to exploit their colonies in various other ways, exactly like the Americans initially enslaved Africans, then freed the African slaves but denied them fair treatment in society to keep them poor and weak. The former colonies don’t know how to return to prosperity. They have seen the Chinese model of prosperity—cultural revolution, embracing the West for prosperity, getting entangled with their exploitative system, and then getting attacked when they become prosperous. They don’t want that model. They think that India can show them the way—self-reliance, hard work, and trade—to become prosperous, just as it showed them the way out of colonization in the past.
If this proves true, it will be the end of Western hegemony as every country will come out of Western exploitation. India will be seen as the leader and its models of lifting people out of poverty will be emulated all over the world. As peace and prosperity spread, India’s culture and religion will too. This is how formerly Buddhism spread to Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and China, and Hinduism spread to Fiji, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Pagan religions, earlier destroyed by Abrahamic religions over the last two millennia, will spring back in all continents, including Europe and the Americas, and the decline of Abrahamic religions will accelerate. People will then go back to their traditional lifestyles and cultures, and start living in harmony. India will try to spread its dharmic way of living, as a friend and teacher, not as a conqueror, exploiter, and convertor. India is trusted as a non-colonial cultural, intellectual, and religious soft power due to its history.
All Abrahamic religions are rooted in Jealous God exclusivist doctrines. Even sects within these religions believe that God will damn everyone else (including other sects of their religion) to eternal hell. Once you believe that God has damned others to hell, you have no qualms in damning them some more. Even before God sends them to hell, you can bring hell to them on earth. They also believe that God rewards the faithful materially. Once you believe that, you start killing and stealing, as part of damning others to hell, while seeking heavenly pleasure for yourself. Even before you enter heaven, you start aspiring for heaven on earth. This dangerous ideology reached its pinnacle in Protestantism when they formulated the Sola Fide doctrine in which man’s ascent to heaven depended on faith alone, rather than deeds; it justified the most horrible deeds while championing faith. Many people claim that there are good things in Abrahamic religions too. That’s true. They are reserved for people of their sects. They are going to eternal heaven, and getting heaven on earth before that. For everyone else, there is eternal hell after death, and hell on earth before death. Abrahamic ideologies cannot stand anyone else’s heaven on earth, or heaven afterward. They push them into hell and try to extract a heaven for themselves. These religions have no relation to God because God has no jealousy. If God is supreme, what does He have to be jealous of? And yet, jealousy is doctrinally built into Abrahamic religions as exclusivism.
In Vedic texts, we find that evil forces are destroyed after they reach the pinnacle of their evilness. Nārada Muni advises Kaṃsa to start killing Kṛṣṇa’s siblings so that Kṛṣṇa will appear quicker to kill Kaṃsa. Duryodhana exiles the Pāndavas before they return to fight the battle of Mahābhārata and kill the Kauravās. Rāvaṇa abducts Sītā before He is invaded and killed by Rāmachandra. Hiraṇyakaśīpū tortures Prahalāda before Narasiṃha appears to kill him. Things get worse before they get better. As things get worse, people feel hopeless and depressed, but it is a precursor to betterment.