The Problem and Solution to Immigration
By editor - 30.1 2025
Starting on Christmas Eve 2024, a Twitter (X) storm against immigrant Indians has been raging, after US president-elect Donald Trump appointed an immigrant Indian—Sriram Krishnan—as his AI advisor. Too many unbelievably hateful things have been said not just about Indians but about their culture, deities, and practices. Many people have spoken and many more are silent. Those who have spoken, have highlighted a small part of the bigger issue, focusing on their vested interests. They either don’t know the bigger picture or don’t want to talk about it. As a result, the public discourse is way off the mark in terms of understanding what the issue is, and how it should be fixed. They are just fighting, without a clear grasp of the problem.
The problem requires an understanding of religion, how it appears in economics, and how society is structured based on it. There are both natural and artificial religions. Accordingly, there are natural and artificial economies and societies. The problems being debated right now are byproducts of artificial religion, economics, and society. If we don’t understand the source of the problem in religion, we can’t understand the economics and society. Hence, I will begin with religion, expand into economics, and then talk about society. We will then eventually come to the specific problem of immigration.
Problems are a good way to understand the truth because they tell us what the truth is not. A permanent solution to the problem then tells us what the truth is. Hence, every problem can be used to illuminate the truth. I have used this method to illuminate the truth through various problems in scientific theories and I will employ the same method to illuminate the problem in this case.
Table of Contents
1 Natural and Artificial Religions
2 Natural and Artificial Economics
3 Colonialism Created Unfairness
4 Wealth Concentration in America
5 The American Innovation Engine
6 Subverting Other’s Innovations
7 Creating Huge Wage Disparities
8 The American Immigration Hoax
9 The Changing Nature of War
10 Propagandizing their Citizens
11 Perversity of American Elites
12 Lessons of Vedic Cosmology
13 Guidance for Gullible People
Natural and Artificial Religions
The natural principle of life is choice and responsibility. Vedic texts provide a grand understanding of this principle, which I will try to simplify here. To begin with, nobody has infinite choices because they are constrained by three factors—abilities, proclivities, and opportunities. I might have the proclivity and opportunity to eat spicy food, but no ability to digest it, and in such a case, I could not eat spicy food. I might have the ability and opportunity to eat spicy food, but not the proclivity for it, and then I would not eat spicy food. I might have the ability and proclivity to eat spicy food but not the opportunity to get spicy food, and in such a case, I should not try to eat spicy food. My choices are constrained by what I could do, what I should do, and what I would do. A choice combines three kinds of possibilities—could, should, and would—to create an actuality. Due to choice, my life is not always predetermined.
A choice also alters future possibilities, which we can call the responsibility of choice. The mechanisms of how this happens are detailed and I will not get into them here but the general principle is called guna, karma, chitta, and rebirth. Karma is shorthand for opportunity, guna is shorthand for proclivity, and chitta is shorthand for ability. Each new life brings new abilities, proclivities, and opportunities, and choices in that life shape the next life. This type of thinking becomes a natural religion since it is an intuitive explanation of morality.
The natural principle of life can also be called cause, effect, and consequence. The cause is choice, it acts upon the current abilities, proclivities, and opportunities to produce an actuality which we can call the effect, which also determines the future abilities, proclivities, and opportunities, which we can call the consequence of choice. Good and bad choices lead to consequences of rewards and punishments.
Abrahamic religions formulated the cause, effect, and consequence relation as acceptance or rejection of a contract with God, followed by (a) the effect of getting world resources right now and the consequence of heaven in the future for those who accept, and (b) the effect of losing world resources right now and the consequence of going to hell for those who reject. The contractual idea of religion can’t be explained based on natural principles and has to be accepted on faith. It is also ethics rather than morality.
After this, modern science removed choice and consequence from religion. Choices were replaced by mechanical forces that can’t be controlled by choice. The consequences of heaven and hell were simply eliminated. Thus, cause now means mechanical force, effect means an observable outcome, while heaven and hell are unnecessary, which also eliminated the role of God along with morality. Science could still be conceived as a contract between material things, or between humans—i.e., that humans have agreed to describe material things and their forces in a particular way—but it isn’t religion.
The contractual ideas of reality in science and religion then lead to a contractual conception of society in Abrahamic religions. A society is nothing but a contract between people. However, this contract could be derived more from science or more from religion. A contract based on religion will say that we should live a life based on the ideas enshrined in our religious contract—i.e., God and soul, heaven and hell. A contract based on science will say that we should live a life based on the ideas enshrined in our scientific contract—i.e., a secular and atheistic understanding of the material world devoid of God and soul, heaven and hell.
Due to the contractual basis of religion, science, and society, there is no way to prove that anything is true or just or good because every contract is an arbitrary agreement between individuals and could have been different. Thus, everything is man-made and meant to benefit its creators. As benefits change with time, place, and situation, each of the three—religion, science, and society—changes and we realize that the construction is essentially arbitrary. It benefits the creators at the moment, but if it stops benefitting them, it will change. There is no rational justification for anything apart from the current benefits, to the current creators, maintainers, and controllers, of science, religion, and society.
Natural and Artificial Economics
The natural principle of choice and responsibility is also called free and fair. Choice is freedom and responsibility is fairness. It means that if we act fairly, we must be rewarded and if we act unfairly then we must be punished. Precisely due to fairness, freedom cannot be unlimited. Those who have been unfair and done bad deeds must be put in a prison to have their freedom limited. Those who have been fair and done good deeds must be elevated and have their freedom expanded. Thus, freedom is not equal for everyone; it depends on past choices. Those who use the freedom to serve the greater good get more freedom. Those who abuse freedom to destroy the greater good get less freedom. If we break this principle of unequal freedom based on choices, then we cannot organize a human society.
Abrahamic cultures try to implement free and fair within their domains and destroy fairness outside their domain because they follow ethics rather than morality. Ethics comes closer to morality within their society and it goes far from morality outside their society because the basic assumption is that each society is favored by a parochial God who has a contract with His worshippers such that the rules of life are tilted unfairly in favor of His worshippers and unfairly against those who do not worship Him. This double standard of fairness leads to double standards in behaviors within a nation vs. internationally.
Democratic elections in a country are supposed to be free and fair. Free means anyone can participate in the elections and fair means that candidates participating in that election cannot rig the elections against any other candidate. Generally, there is a democratic institution—an election-monitoring authority—that tries to ensure that elections are free and fair, although these institutions vary across countries. Similarly, within every country, there are government institutions that try to ensure that an economy is free and fair. For instance, everyone must have access to education, capital, and people in order to be free; and nobody should have a monopoly on education, capital, and people in order to be fair.
Of course, all this is theory. In practice, many of these are subverted in modern societies. The best well-known example of this subversion is called Capitalism, which is defined as free market economics rather than free and fair market economics. The term “free” means every economic actor can act in their self-interest but if we remove “fair” from this action then those with greater capital gain an unfair advantage against those with lesser capital. Recognizing this problem, economists have advocated a greater role for the government in economics, to ensure fairness. Governments are expected to break monopolies and prevent collusions between dominant market players to bring a free market back to free and fair.
In every capitalist society, there is tension between businesses and government—businesses want more freedom and governments want more fairness. Nobody knows how to balance these twin requirements so every democratic polity has political parties that tilt in favor of businesses (freedom) and government (fairness). The capitalists call this government influence in society Socialism since they want the economy to be free not fair, whereas Socialism arose as a remedy for the unfair use of capital by the capitalists. The battle between Capitalism and Socialism means that the natural principle of life is always violated—what should be both free and fair becomes either free or fair. Thus, many democratic societies have centrist parties that try to balance the contradiction between free or fair to attain free and fair.
In a free and fair society, there is a natural meritocracy, and if people are well-educated, talented, and hardworking, then income disparities between them reduce automatically. Therefore, if we just make a society free and fair, and encourage people to be educated, talented, and hardworking, then we don’t have to discuss meritocracy or income disparities. The free and fair system, and the culture of education, talent, and hard work, will automatically create a meritorious society and reduce income disparities.
However, most modern societies are capitalistic. Wealthy people in such societies use their freedom to influence elections and government policy, destroy meritocracy, and increase income disparity, to gain greater control over that society. It means that if you have money, you can hire educated, talented, and hardworking people, and use them as servants and slaves being paid pennies while the benefits of their work go to the person who already had money. However, educated, talented, and hardworking people cannot have the person with wealth even share the benefits of capital and work fairly. The wealthy will do that which disproportionately distributes the benefits of work and capital in their favor.
Capitalism at the international level is worse because there is no world government to ensure fairness. Within a nation, a government could force fairness on a capitalist but the absence of such a government at the international level means the capitalist is free to exploit others limitlessly. Thus, we get huge income disparities between developed and developing economies because the capitalists in developed countries misuse the capital to disproportionately distribute the benefits of work and capital in their favor. Due to the subversion of fairness by freedom, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The education, talent, and hard work of the poorer people matters much less than the capital of the capitalists.
Colonialism Created Unfairness
The present disparities between developed and developing economies were created by colonization when wealth was stolen from colonies and transferred to the colonizers. The essential justification underlying colonization was Abrahamic ideologies—God has a special contract with some people, God rewards those people with whom He has a contract with earthly wealth, and hence, these people can take wealth from all other people. In Abrahamic religions, God is not fair to everyone. He is a factional, parochial, and sectarian deity who permits and demands that followers of that religion use excessive force on the followers of other religions to conquer, subjugate, and persecute them. Abrahamic religions replace morality with ethics—morality is fairness for everyone and ethics is sectarian to a group.
Abrahamic religions have since ancient times taken ideas and resources from preexisting societies and weaponized those ideas and resources against the societies that they took them from. There is nothing novel or original in any Abrahamic religion; all their ideas are borrowed from preexisting religions. And yet, they are given the color of a revelation to claim originality, to which sectarianism is added to allow people who created these religions to steal resources from the societies that they took ideas from. In this way, originally ideas are taken and then resources are taken, under the cover of revelation.
The most versatile example of idea and resource theft is Christianity. Romans stole varied pagan ideas, prevalent at that time in Europe, created a sectarian religion called Christianity, called it a revelation, and then used it to conquer Europe, transferring the wealth of all pagan societies to Rome. Initially, pagan ideas were stolen and then pagan wealth was stolen, after which the Roman Emperors, and later the Catholic Church, oppressed the entire continent into what is called the Dark Ages. The Protestant Reformation, and then the European Enlightenment, diminished the role of Emperors and the Church over European society, as Greek ideas of democracy, rational science, mathematics, and philosophy were revived.
However, the Reformation and the Enlightenment did not solve any economic problems, partly because Europe isn’t a naturally prosperous continent, and partly because the wealth of the continent was already concentrated in a few hands. The wealthy people did not want to distribute their wealth to the poor. Without wealth distribution, the poor remained poor. Reformation and Enlightenment solved some social and political problems, but not economic problems. To solve economic problems, Europeans decided to conquer other lands, settle in other lands, subjugate and kill their people, and steal their resources to enrich themselves, while cloaking this theft and murder under the claim of Christianity civilizing the pagan people, exactly like Romans had brutalized the pagan Europeans previously.
The net result of colonization was that the wealth of the world accumulated in Europe. One simple way to understand this accumulation is how the Indian textile industry became the British textile industry. In the 18th century, India was the world’s biggest textile producer. India had the most advanced looms and one of the best types of cotton and silk in the world. Then Europeans came to India as explorers, took Indian looms to Europe, patented them as their original designs, and began developing their textiles. Within a century, they destroyed Indian looms, exported cotton out of India, manufactured cloth in Britain, and exported it to India, forcing Indians to buy British cloth. They sold the story that Britain had created industrialization when it was on the backs of destroying the preexisting Indian industry.
Colonization followed the trajectory of Christianity—initially taking the ideas (e.g., patentable loom designs), then taking the resources (e.g., cotton), and then weaponizing them against the people (e.g., Indians) from whom they were taken. By the 19th century, Britain became the world’s biggest textile producer, although it did not even produce a scrap of cotton, and all its looms were drawn from Indian designs. The enormous stolen wealth from India was then used to develop other British colonies—America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, spreading Indian stolen wealth to the world. Meanwhile, colonized people in all these places were called barbarians being civilized by the Europeans.
Wealth Concentration in America
Despite stealing enormous wealth out of colonies, Europe still did not develop economically because the stolen wealth was still concentrated in a few hands. The European elites, who had exploited ordinary Europeans for centuries, used their previous wealth to buy resources stolen from colonies (such as cotton), create factories (such as for textiles), paid ordinary Europeans pennies (for working), exported the goods (such as manufactured cloth back to India), and pocketed most of the profits. An economy develops if wealth circulates among a large number of people. If wealth is concentrated, it is primarily used to disadvantage and exploit the poor, as the rich get richer on the backs of the poor.
European economies began developing with the advent of large-scale industrial war, which is war using tanks, armored vehicles, ships, boats, aircraft, machine guns, etc. Industrial military equipment requires metals, which stimulates large-scale metal mining. To convert raw mined ores into metals, a lot of energy is needed, which requires coal, oil, and gas, which stimulates energy mining and refining. Making large and complex military equipment requires many tools, such as hammers and lathes, which creates demands for the tool industry. Industrial military equipment requires design and testing, which creates demands for physicists, mathematicians, and engineers. As these people require factories and offices, there is demand for construction, which drives demand for bricks, cement, steel, and timber. The need to organize a workforce cohesively and effectively creates demands for managers, accountants, and janitors. As these offices are supplied with energy, there is a demand for electricity, transmission, and distribution. As everything cannot be done in one place, the demand for transportation drives the development of vehicles and roads. The development of all these things drives the demand for lending institutions and stock markets. As all areas require some regulation, the government expands.
Many people have heard of the Military-Industrial Complex, but very few understand why the military and industry are hyphenated. The reason is that nothing stimulates an industrial economy like war. War is the engine of growth for an industrial economy. A war also drives the distribution of wealth in a society because it stimulates many sectors of an industrial economy through labor requirements. If war ends, most parts of the industrial economy diminish, and many die, and people are pushed back into an agrarian lifestyle. The cities shrink and the villages expand. The reverse happens if war stimulates the industrial economy. War developed the European industrial economies as enormous amounts of wealth were distributed from its previously concentrated state—though capitalists and the government loosening their purses—directed toward making tanks, armored vehicles, ships, boats, aircraft, machine guns, etc.
The distribution of wealth and the development of an industrial economy is an unintended consequence of war because the elites who previously held nearly all of that wealth don’t want wealth distributed or anyone else prosperous. They would like to keep everyone poor, have an exclusive concentration of wealth, and control people through enormous wealth disparity. However, if someone attacks these elites, then to defend themselves, they have to create a war machine and industrial economy which then distributes wealth from their hands into the hands of ordinary people. Since wealth distribution is an unintended consequence of defending against attacks, therefore, every attempt is made to concentrate the wealth again, even as it hurts the overall economy. If the economic development of the society was the actual goal, then the elites would not pursue wealth concentration. It is pursued because the hegemony of some people is more important to them than the economic development and the welfare of other people.
Another unintended consequence of war is that it destroys the industrial economy because cities and towns are bombed, people die, the facilities used to produce and distribute are ruined, and one has to rebuild them. That, of course, requires a lot of time, money, and effort. Thereby, industrial wars cannot be waged in quick succession. A long time must elapse before the recurrence of war. That time did not elapse between WWI and WWII. As countries bombed each other during WWI, they lost their capacity to wage war. The countries that relied on nationalism—e.g., Germany and Italy—inspired their people to rebuild their industrial war-waging machine. But everyone else who was relying on democracy—e.g., Britain and France—could not do the same. As a result, the arrival of WWII created a serious problem: Germany and Italy had industrial war-making machines while Britain and France did not.
This problem was solved by transferring the making of the industrial war machinery to America. While European men were sent to the frontlines in WWII, American men were making military equipment for them. Until 1939, America was drowning in the Great Depression and was extremely poor. But as it got the role of making the war machinery for WWII, it rapidly began industrializing. WWII began on 1st Sept 1939 and ended on 2nd Sept 1945. Within this short period of 6 years, America emerged out of the Great Depression and became an industrial and military superpower by supplying weapons to Europe, which Europe paid for with the wealth it had previously looted from its colonies. Thus, many centuries of European colonial looted wealth was transferred to America in just 6 years making it the most militarily powerful and economically prosperous nation on Earth.
This massive transfer of wealth due to war gave birth to the presently infamous American Military-Industrial Complex. It gained so much power in a short span of time that it started controlling the American government. Its desire for survival forces America to create wars. The American government goes along with these demands because nothing stimulates the industrial economy like war. Of course, someone has to pay for these wars. Europeans aren’t fighting the wars now, so who is going to pay for it? The answer is the rest of the world, through the fiat $ system in which America just prints money, the rest of the world uses $, so the inflation from printing is passed to everyone else in the world. Unlike Europeans who just colonized parts of the world, America colonized the whole world through the fiat $ as wealth was continuously transferred to America which it used to wage more war. Anyone who tries to escape this fiat $ system is attacked by the American military to perpetuate the colonization.
The Abrahamic system continues—resources are taken from other places and used against the places from which they were taken, to perpetuate a system of stealing and using it against the victims of theft. This use of power is called freedom but it is devoid of fairness. There is no global government to force America to be free and fair. America uses the stolen wealth against the people it stole it from. This abuse is justified on the grounds of American Exceptionalism—i.e., Americans are the exceptional people who dominate and civilize the world, exactly like Christianity was used to justify colonization earlier.
The American Innovation Engine
Every industrial technology has a short shelf-life. We can’t hold it as a secret in our minds because it has to be embodied in a machine, which has to be either put into the hands of an end-consumer or must pass through many hands in order to be deployed. As it is passed into the hands of consumers it is easily replicated. As it passes through many hands before deployment, others come to know of it and develop its alternative or competitor. Therefore, industrial technology requires continuous innovation. We can’t build it once and be done with it. We have to keep creating new technology to keep pace with the competitors, especially because someone is going to use that technology to attack or defend.
At least 90% of technology startups fail, which means that if we give $100 to each startup, then one out of ten startups must give more than $1000 for the lender to just break even. This is an average over large numbers; we can’t say that every 10th technology startup will succeed. The lender must also be prepared to remain invested for long durations. Savings banks cannot play this high-risk high-reward game as they have to remain solvent. The game can only be played by people with enormous unused wealth ready to be spent on personal passions, without the fear that failure in a venture would affect their lives.
Even playing the technology startup game requires enormous capital concentration to be spread over a large number of startups to meet the law of averages, without the fear that loss of capital in a large number of startups would affect a person’s life. This happens only if the capital is collected cheaply. A person who earned wealth through hardship generally doesn’t take risks with his earnings. But the person who got wealth cheaply takes risks easily. Thus, cheaply gotten wealth also leads to high-risk behaviors and the wealth earned through difficulty leads to low-risk behaviors. These two factors—i.e., capital concentration and cheaply gotten wealth—explain the American entrepreneurial culture.
America has the highest capital concentration at present because it originally accumulated the colonial wealth through a grand wealth transfer which allowed it to create the fiat $ system which allows it to create money out of thin air while passing the bad effects of that creation—i.e., inflation—to everyone else. Since an infinite amount of money can be created out of thin air, hence, infinite wealth is available for free. The twin conditions of entrepreneurial culture mentioned above are thus met by fiat $ and the use of this capital then facilitates innovation which helps America maintain its technological lead.
The adverse effects of capital concentration can be illustrated numerically through interest rates. Before the COVID pandemic, a business loan cost the Indian borrower 12% interest. The same business loan was costing the American borrower 0.5% interest. Thus, the American borrower had a 24x advantage over the Indian borrower, which made it far easier to begin and operate a business in America than in India. The result of this difference is that Americans can easily be entrepreneurs while Indians are compelled to seek jobs. The high risks associated with business loans force Indians to become employees, not employers. There are very few job creators and many job seekers, which pushes the salaries of the employees down. India has thus become a place for cheap labor, due to the adverse effects of a long history of colonization.
People who don’t understand colonialism, capitalism, and the fiat currency system, think that all this innovation coming out of America is due to some inherent advantages of the American religion, culture, society, and people when it is factually a result of fortuitous accidents—(a) America was factually very poor until 1939, (b) it became rich due to WWII as colonial loot was transferred from Europe to America, (c) that wealth concentration then allowed it to create the fiat $ system, and (d) after which infinite amount of money can be created for free while the adverse effects are passed onto the world.
Subverting Other’s Innovations
Every large country’s government can fund innovation to subvert the American innovation engine. If startups fail, the government can chalk up the cost of failure in its annual budget, essentially using taxpayer money, or government-issued bonds, to finance a startup ecosystem in the country. Countries like China have done this successfully; they fostered a home-grown startup industry to provide the seed capital, and once the ecosystem was seeded, it began seeding other startups. India is starting to do this now, as it wants to get out of American hegemony and foster homegrown technology. The American concentration of wealth is not a permanent advantage, if other governments want to overcome it.
To maintain their edge, America compels other governments to refrain from making such investments. For instance, European governments, despite having enormous wealth, don’t invest in country-specific startup ecosystems to allow American private investors to maintain their technological advantage. Indian technology service companies, which have accumulated hundreds of billions doing services for American firms, never invest in innovations that will hurt the American lead in technology. They surrender to American threats—if you invest in innovation, we are going to cut off your services contracts. Subsidiaries of American companies in India are also not allowed to innovate. Technology leaders who encourage or foster innovation are punished while those who encourage and foster routine work are rewarded. Finally, innovators are fired to keep them financially weak so they cannot exit jobs and create a company.
After concentrating wealth in America, threatening retribution against those who have capital and might try to innovate, punishing those who try innovation despite these threats, and financially weakening all those who want to innovate while staying within their countries, all remaining talented and hardworking innovators are sucked into America with lucrative job offers to create a talent vacuum just in case the previous methods of subverting other’s innovation did not suffice for some unaccounted reason.
As a country rises economically, America uses all of the above methods, and many more, to maintain its technological edge. It includes creating socio-political unrest in a rising country to scare any potential investor from funding innovation, using media and rating agencies to downgrade a country to drain investor wealth away from it, and threatening companies who have the wealth to innovate with contract cancellation if they innovate, punishing those who foster innovation after the perfunctory lip service on innovation, hurting innovators financially to prevent them from become entrepreneurs, while giving lucrative job offers to talented and hardworking people in America to create a talent vacuum.
Creating Huge Wage Disparities
Big wage gaps have to be maintained between American jobs and jobs in other countries to ensure that any talented and hardworking person with personal ambitions will quit their job in their home country and immigrate to America so that the country from whom he or she is immigrating out of is drained of good talent and that country would not be able to gain a competitive advantage against America. A system of country-specific immigrant VISA quotas is used to allow America to dynamically target those countries that pose a bigger threat to America. An economically rising country will get a bigger immigrant VISA quota in America to drain more talented people out of that country to keep it deprived of talent.
Wages in economically rising countries are suppressed to ensure that people cannot become financially independent, remain stuck in jobs, and do not become entrepreneurs. The wage gap between younger and older people is often increased because younger people tend to become entrepreneurs more than older people. In practice, it means as inflation raises the cost of living everywhere (due to America printing $), the wages of younger people in emerging countries rise slower than the wages of older people. Any private investment occurring in a country only funds those areas that are not a threat to American interests. Country-specific innovations are okay; globally relevant innovations are not.
The talented people of a rising country are forced into maintaining older products and technologies while those of America are used for developing newer products and technologies. If by chance a new product or technology is developed in an emerging country, it is taken back to America, and people who developed that new product or technology are pushed back into maintenance. The goal is to frustrate and exasperate people in emerging countries to immigrate to America through lucrative job offers. Only those who are sufficiently compromised and morally deviant, and motivated by personal preservation rather than inclined toward honesty or fairness, are promoted to key decision-making positions.
Enormous wage gaps between developing and developed countries—for the same job—serve another important purpose, namely artificially bloating the GDP of the developed country. As money is free in America, it can bloat its salaries the most, which boosts American spending, and raises the stock market and property values, all of which contribute to a bigger GDP. The lowly paid workers in developing countries can’t spend so much, which depresses their property prices, stock markets, and spending, to lower their GDP. Wage disparities across developing and developed countries not just suck talent out of a developing country but also make the already wealthy country wealthier while keeping the poorer country poor.
The American Immigration Hoax
Hardworking and talented people cannot become rich in India due to the various factors mentioned above. They will be frustrated by the routine work and the low wages until they decide to immigrate to America to become prosperous. Of course, when they immigrate, they come out on top, which means they already have the talent and capacity for hard work and the only missing thing is capital. This reward for immigration, and punishment for staying back in India, is an American design to keep India economically weak, and backward in technological innovation while using its people to bolster American power.
Most Americans think that Indians are stealing their jobs because they don’t know that American elites want Indians to steal their jobs—not to weaken Americans but to weaken India. Most Americans don’t understand that their wages are artificially inflated compared to developing countries to bolster their GDP and anyone in a developing country can do the same innovation at a far lower cost. When the same innovation is possible at a much lower cost, then the lower-cost innovators will win the market, and that will destroy not just the American economy but also the American technological edge. For Americans to compete in the international market, all American wages must drop significantly, which will tank every other sector—stock markets, housing, manufacturing, and consumer spending. The wealth concentrated in America will fly away to lower-cost innovators, and loss of access to cheap capital will make American innovation much harder, further lowering the American technological edge and the American economy.
In simple words, America has to become a third-world developing country to compete with third-world developing countries because people in these countries are at least as talented and hardworking as Americans. The American worker is not exceptional in any way. There is no racial superiority. American advantage rests upon capital concentration, which was created at a time when the rest of the world was oppressed by colonization. That advantage doesn’t exist today. Even the capital concentration can be easily subverted by other country governments unless America keeps sucking talented people.
Capitalism was defined as the combination of people, resources, and capital. Of these, the greatest value comes from people, a little less value from resources, and the least value from capital. Americans have assigned the greatest value to capital, a little less value to resources, and the least value to people. But the reality is that this American inversion of value is not a fact of life. Talented and hardworking people can create enormous value with few resources and little capital. When the greatest value comes from people, subverting innovation in other places necessitates sucking people out of that innovation.
Therefore, immigration to America is America’s way of hurting all other countries, and its own people, to maintain its hegemonic status in the world. American elites don’t value their people, so their destruction is immaterial to them. For these elites, American hegemony is far more important than the lives of the American people. America to them is a land of immigrants. The old immigrants can be replaced by new immigrants if it helps the American elites maintain their hegemony. The American citizens have no say in this process. They may scream or rebel but they can’t do anything. Their politicians may promise their voters that they will put an end to immigration but it is just an empty promise. After winning their elections, they will do nothing about it. That is because politicians are simply puppets in the hands of the elites. The earlier generations of elites, going back to Roman times, ruled Europe with an iron fist. They were forced to distribute wealth to make a war machine but otherwise, they want everyone poor.
The Changing Nature of War
Colonialism was possible in the past because Europeans had guns, while the colonized people did not. A gun is better in war than spears and arrows because a gun has a longer range than a spear or arrow. The soldiers using a gun can kill their opponents before their opponent’s spears and arrows reach them. Guns give a distinct advantage to those who have them in case others are using spears and arrows. Using these guns, colonizers looted their colonies, accumulated wealth, and exploited them for centuries.
But at present everyone has guns, and many have nuclear weapons. Every country is busy developing longer-range weapons to eliminate the opponent’s advantage in war and weapons to counter these longer-range weapons. These longer-range weapons become faster (e.g., hypersonic missiles) and more diverse (e.g., one missile carrying many warheads that disperse in space as the missile reaches its destination). Therefore, the previous advantages of war have disappeared. Earlier wars were win-lose propositions but now wars are lose-lose propositions. Americans could ravage some countries with their long-range weapons in the past but still could not win those wars when they came face-to-face in a ground battle because, in a face-to-face battle, the advantage of long-range weapons disappears. Thus, despite ravaging a country, Americans could not derive significant benefits from war because they can’t steal resources after war if they can’t win the ground battle. All the money spent on long-range weapons is simply sunk cost with no returns. Of course, people can still fight wars for ideological reasons—such as going to heaven—but factually no such heaven is attained in a morally governed universe.
Abrahamic religions don’t understand rebirth. They think that if they kill someone, that is the end of the story. They don’t know that the killed person is reborn, and from early childhood will be itching to exact revenge on the killer. Killing people unnecessarily is a recipe for multi-generational war. The more you kill, the more you will be killed. The cycle of violence will never end because there is rebirth. The apocalyptic theories about the end of the world are simply Abrahamic fictions. But under these fictions, they love killing people thinking that it will send them to heaven when the fact is that they will be reborn and killed over and over just as they have killed others in the past. The futility of ideological wars is further affirmed by the fact that now with advanced weapons, war is a lose-lose proposition. Of course, those driven by ideology will keep killing and keep getting killed, as the epitome of lose-lose.
Colonialism is ending because the nature of war has changed, not because people today are more peaceful and rational. If anyone tries to wage war, the immediate outcome will be lose-lose and the long-term outcome will be lose-lose. Those who don’t believe in long-term outcomes can accept the immediate outcomes. Only the ideologically motivated people will now die in their lose-lose wars.
And yet, Americans like to flaunt their big military. They run 800 military bases all over the world, simply sucking out their taxpayer wealth to boost their Military-Industrial Complex. They don’t understand that in 1945 only they had nuclear weapons but now all major powers have nuclear weapons. You can only intimidate smaller powers with war, but you cannot win wars. Therefore, even Americans now wage information war. But how many times can you shout “wolf” before people figure out there is no wolf? In fact, crying “wolf” every time just means nobody will come to help you when there is actually a wolf. In this Internet age, people can find information in many ways. American propaganda doesn’t work because there are alternative sources of information and nobody has a monopoly over propaganda.
In simple words, all the advantages that colonizers earlier had are rapidly disappearing because they can’t wage a military war and they can’t wage an information war. They can try to wage an economic war of capital concentration but others are eventually going to escape it. Without war, they can’t steal, and without stealing they must either starve to death or think about how to lead a life of talent, hard work, and giving and taking fairly. Of course, people addicted to war and theft are not going to give up so easily. They will create new types of wars and weapons—such as using AI—but before anyone can perfect these, others will have an imperfect version of those. You just need more imperfect weapons to counter perfect weapons. The use of imperfect weapons is more expensive but still not a great disadvantage.
Therefore, war is not an eternal thing, nor is stealing or lying. Only fools live to die but the sane people live to make life better. That requires ingenuity, creativity, knowledge, intelligence, hard work, talent, moral conduct, and so on. Americans thinking that they are going to keep winning is just stupid. The thinking that they are going to stop other countries from progressing by sucking in their people is also stupid. In fact, as the tables turn, all these people who are running to America will find themselves living in a third-world country because that is what it takes to compete with a third-world country once the previous advantages of war disappear. The prosperity created by war disappears when we cannot wage war anymore. The prosperity created by war is perpetuated by war. As war ends, prosperity ends.
Propagandizing their Citizens
The mouthpieces of American elites are not ready to tell their citizens the true story of what happened in the past, what is happening now, and what is going to happen in the future. They are just trying to extend their stay and delay the inevitable, as far as possible. They tell Americans they need immigrants to maintain America’s technological lead in the world and that Americans are not capable of maintaining their lead. This is quite true. Every materialistic society undergoes moral, intellectual, emotional, social, and cultural decline. Americans have been undergoing all kinds of decline due to materialism. But this will be true even of the future generations as they come to America and become materialistic.
So, if the problem is that Americans have declined so much that they are incapable of keeping pace with the world, then the solution to that problem—if you really wanted a permanent solution—can’t be getting more people, subjecting them to the same materialism, and then claiming after a few years that even the new generation has declined so much that it is now obsolete like the previous generations. American elites propagandizing their public with the problem of socio-cultural decline are simply hiding the obvious, namely, that every generation that comes into the same situation will end up with the same results. That means, every few years America will keep replacing previous citizens with new ones. How is that even a solution? Is this a country or a hotel with people coming in and going out on a whim?
The main problem is that for the American wealthy class, America is just a hotel. They don’t care who comes in and who goes out, and who lives and who dies, as long as they can remain in charge of the hotel. The new immigrants should know that their children will be janitors in the hotel, as the hotel invites new residents, gives them hedonistic pleasure for the time being, and as they become obsolete due to hedonism, pushes them into poverty while replacing them with a new crop of immigrants.
People attracted to America are just like the moths attracted to flames. Their desire for prosperity will be weaponized against their interests. Each generation of immigrants will replace the previous generation and head toward self-destruction. The generation being replaced will attack the generation replacing them. Many will feel sad during this process, and many may even die as this revolt expands. Meanwhile, those orchestrating this flame will use capable and hardworking people to preserve their status of wealth, power, and influence. They don’t care who suffers and dies if they can keep their status.
Perversity of American Elites
The first generation of American elites killed the American natives. The next generation imported slaves and exploited them. The generation after that invited Europeans to come to work for them while living in horrible conditions. The generation after that used European workers to make weapons that killed other Europeans. The generation after that used their citizens to kill millions in wars while lining their pockets with profits. The generation now is importing Asian immigrants to push Europeans out of the way.
Every country has some elites. American elites have a country. American elites don’t exist to serve the country. The country exists to serve the American elites. Their privilege, power, and status depend on using the country to further their privilege, power, and status. If some wars need to be fought, the country will fight it. If some people need to be killed, the country will kill them. But if some profits have to be made, the elites will make them. If some people fear being replaced by other people, let them fight it out. If some people die in this war, there are always new people willing to come and die.
Immigration is a hoax set up by American elites to preserve their power. It involves the following—(a) no other country should rise, (b) all the good people must be sucked out of rising countries to keep them weak and those who remain must be neutralized, (c) as new people are sucked in, the old people must be destroyed, (d) low-end manual work will be done by uneducated immigrants and the high-end mental work will be done by educated immigrants, (e) if another country raises its head, the immigrants will be used to attack them, and (f) if that country can’t be destroyed through violence, then it will be destroyed by luring that country’s people who willing join hands with their country’s enemies.
Present-day Indians don’t know history, don’t understand the character of people, and just look at wealth. India’s history of colonization is filled with stories of betrayals by Indians joining hands with their enemies against their own country. Indians are quite stupid that way. They can’t see that when they join hands with their enemies, they are moths attracted to flames. They look for short-term gains and sacrifice their long-term interest. They become pawns in someone else’s games and self-destruct. Then they repent for centuries to come and blame someone else for their misery. The stories of dumbness become amusement for others. In fact, since they have proven to be dumb, they are used over and over.
For the American elites, if foolish Indians are willing to help America wage a war on India, then they must be rewarded and encouraged. Let those idiots come and work for America, work against their country, and after their life is spent destroying their country of origin, we shall push their children into oblivion and replace them with a new crop of immigrants. If these fools could not learn the lessons of 300 years of British colonization, they deserve to be cheated again, and we shall do the needful.
Lessons of Vedic Cosmology
Vedic texts describe how the universe is divided vertically into fourteen different levels. Each level comprises different kinds of living entities. Devas live with Devas, Asuras live with Asuras, Gandharva live with Gandharva, Apsara live with Apsara, and Sages live with Sages. In the middle of the universe, is the planetary system called Bhu-Loka which is further divided into fourteen different islands and oceans. Different kinds of living entities live with their kind in these islands and oceans. At the center of this Bhu-Loka is a part called Jambudvīpa which is further divided into nine parts. Different kinds of living entities are found living with their kind in these parts. Within this Jambudvīpa is the planet called Earth, which is called Bhārata-Varṣa in Vedic texts, because it was originally ruled by King Bharata. It is also divided into seven parts, one of which is Bharata-Khanda, which was called Mahābhārata or Greater Bhārata. Within these divisions, different kinds of living entities live with their own kind. The residents of Bhārata were previously not crossing the oceans because each living entity is meant to live in its own place.
The spiritual world is also segmented into many parts, each of which is called a Graha or a house. In each Graha, a different form of Lord Viṣṇu resides. Even Goloka is divided into Vṛndāvana, Mathura, and Dvāraka, where devotees in different moods live with their own kind and a different form of Kṛṣṇa.
India is itself divided into different Janapada or regions where different kinds of people live with their kind. After independence, most of these Janapada became Indian states. Within each state, there have been many Jāti, Varṇa, and Gotra, which are people of different kinds living with their own kind.
Everything in the Vedic texts—from the cosmos to the individual—is nicely segmented. This segmentation doesn’t mean people living in different parts of the cosmos will never see each other, meet each other, or talk to each other. Even Kṛṣṇa appears on this Earth. Even different forms of Viṣṇu appear in this world. Even Brahma and Śiva appear on this Earth. Even Deva, Gandharva, Apsara, Asura, and Ṛṣi appear on the Earth. But they don’t stay. They come, do their work, and go back to their place. Segmentation of the Earth doesn’t mean people in different parts of the Earth can’t see, meet, or talk to each other. They can come, do their work, and go back to their place. Segmentation doesn’t mean people of various Janapada can’t meet, see, or talk to each other. They come, do their work, and go back to their place. The members of different Jāti, Varṇa, and Gotra meet each other, do their work, and go back.
In contrast, Abrahamic religions are universalist. There are only three levels—Heaven, Earth, and Hell. All the people on Earth must follow one religion. There is no Jāti, Varṇa, or Gotra, and if we talk about it, it will be called caste discrimination. Even if there are many countries, with their languages, Abrahamic religions consider them temporary, and expect that they will be replaced by one global theocratic government eventually. They are always working toward the globalization of their theology.
All this mixing of people, cultures, languages, and religions is not meant to develop respect between them. It is meant to dissolve the differences between them to enable a global government. Colonization was nothing more than an attempt to establish a global government. It failed because different European nations began fighting each other. After that, the next attempt at a global government is under the control of just one nation—America—with other European nations subservient to it. NATO exists in Europe to ensure that the European countries cannot fight each other and will always obey America. There are only four major independent countries today—America, Russia, China, and India. America tries to break all of them while using them selectively. America did bad things with its WWII ally Russia. Then America did bad things to its Cold War ally China. Then why will America do anything different with India? It takes ignorance, not just of the Vedic texts, but also of world history to imagine any kind of friendship.
That doesn’t mean we should stop meeting them, seeing them, talking to them, or become isolated. It just means that we do our business and come back. For spreading Vedic knowledge, we can meet everyone, and help them if they want, but unless we find a matching nature, there is no need to mix extensively. We can easily frustrate global government aspirations by remaining separate.
Guidance for Gullible People
Indians, and every other immigrant, should understand the essential nature of Western society from ancient times by studying their history beginning with Roman times. This is a cult of human sacrifice for material profit. They subvert good religions, create fake religions, keep their own people subjugated in the name of religion, then use them to wage war on others in the name of religion, use the plunder to enrich themselves, and when those who fought for them are spent, they discard them like trash. Stealing from people and using that theft against the people they stole it from is their essential nature. Of course, those who don’t read and understand the lessons of history are condemned to repeat history.
Every civilization begins with religion. The big questions of life—who we are, why we are here, where we are going, what is the meaning of life, etc.—have to be answered before we can form a civilization. There is a best answer to this question, found in the Vedic texts. There are other good answers found in other dharmic religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. A religion that teaches people to live in harmony with nature, animals, humans, and the cosmos can be accepted as a dharmic religion even if it doesn’t agree with the Vedic tradition in all respects. However, Abrahamic religions don’t teach any such thing. Instead, they teach that global hegemony is the only way the world ends quickly and the only way they go to heaven quickly. Moral life isn’t taking them to heaven. Attaining global hegemony through destruction, pillaging, and lying is their way to heaven. How can such a society ever be prosperous morally? When religion has justified and rationalized war and murder, then the economy, society, and polity must also carry its imprints.
The ideas of a religion don’t stay within the religion. They percolate into the education, culture, society, economy, and polity. If we don’t know the essential nature of a religion and we think that we can enjoy a society, economy, and polity without accepting the religion, we are fools of the highest order. Every sane person who wants a good future should study the religion underlying that society. The ideas of that religion are the essential bedrock of that society. Even if they don’t seem apparent to us immediately, they remain hidden under the surface and will rear their head when we don’t expect it. Awareness of the history of that religion and the past practices of its followers are essential knowledge. That is because we don’t live just once. We are born again and again. The history we think is long gone is living inside people today. The past is alive at present because the dead are reborn. This doesn’t mean we hate anyone. But awareness is very important to avoid the mistakes of gullibility. Living without hate, although with great awareness of others, is living separately from each other.
Finally, we should try to take everyone out of immoral religions. Those who equate dharma with immoral religions are going to be reborn in the same immoral religion until they develop discrimination. In every life, they will be taught immorality during childhood which will continue during adulthood. Therefore, adulthood is the time when we should learn and discard the immoral ideas of our past lives so that our future lives will be moral and then we can progress in our spiritual journey. Those who don’t make this effort, and instead run from a dharmic culture to an immoral culture, are paving the way for their suffering. The people who think getting money will make them valued are fooling themselves; they are being used against their interests while they think they are being valued. Wake up and learn the truth.