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Ayurvedic Panchakarma Centre offers authentic ayurvedic health and wellness therapies delivered by trained and experienced physicians and masseurs. With multiple panchakarma centers and a full-fledged ayurvedic pharmacy located in Trivandrum, Kerala (India), Ayushya offers the true essence of this holistic science of healing to its customers.

Panchakarma treatment is provided under the supervision of experienced doctors.

These are only a few of the reasons why Ayushya Ayurvedic Panchakarma Centre makes the ideal destination for people looking for authentic ayurvedic health and wellness or rejuvenation therapies.

This comprehensive system of natural medicine of ancient india offers methods which help each of us to create perfect health and positive living through the wellbeing of mind, body and spirit. Perfect health is experienced when mind, body and environmentare in complete harmony. the wholeness of the individual is always at the center of this ancient, proven system of health.

Ayushya Ayurvedic Centre offers traditional practice of ayurveda in original from of ayurvedic procedures enhance restore and renew ones health throubh Cleaning(Sodhana), Palliation(Samana), Rejuvenation(Rasayana) and Mental hygiene(Satwavajaya).