Vastu house types

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The Vedic Way

Vastu house types

1.- What is a Vastu house?
House that has been built from the ground up following Vastu principles.

2.- Vastu principles
+Cardinal directions
+Sensitive points
+Formulas (aayadi sadvarga)
+Height of walls, pillars, basement or footing, etc.
+Auspicious days (Muhurta)

3.- Vastu house types
+Ekaśāla, Dviśāla, Triśāla, Catuśāla

4.- Types of arrangements of four śala (Catuśāla) houses
+Viśuddha bhinna śāla
+Śliṣṭa bhinna śāla
+Samśliṣṭa bhinna śāla
+Śliṣṭa bhinna aṣṭaśāla
+Miśra bhinna śāla
+Sam miśra bhinna śāla
+Miśraka catuśāla
+Madhya Prarūdha śāla

5.- Benefits a Vastu house
+Many risks during construction will be avoided:
-Failure to complete construction
-Severe accidents
-Severe problems with weather patterns
-Laborers quarrel
+Effects of living
-Natural feeling of protection and security
-Overall health and well-being
-Encourages pure goodness and spiritual practices
-No excessivee quarrel
-Sinful activity is diminished greatly