Did We Land on the Moon?

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This episode of a FOX TV show titled *Conspiracy Theory* was aired on February 2001.

The "Appolo 11 Mission" allegedly landed the first humans on the Earth's Moon on July 20th, 1969, at 20:17:39 UTC.

This video is present on youtube in 5 different parts. I just concatenated them, appended a short clip of the begining of the "Appolo 11 Mission" press conference and uploaded the whole thing. Thank you to the original uploader.

At 43:38, are the 3 dudes who went to the moon, took some photo souvenir and came back to earth, in 8 days. Those are the few first minutes of the press conference given after their return from where no man has gone before.

Photo souvenir on the moon :

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This video was aired by FOX TV on February 2001. The following month (March 04th, 2001), the short conspiracy movie (The Lone Gunmen) below was also aired on FOX TV :


In the context of September 11th 2001, when 2 high rise buildings crumble at near free-fall speed, those were just media coincidences of year 2001 or was it predictive programming (ie : "Subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by the leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as 'natural progressions'; thus lessening any possible public resistance and commotion") ?.