Other sampradayas
Sampradaya can be translated as ‘tradition’ or a ‘religious system’, although the word commands much more respect and power in the Indian context than its translations in English does. It relates to a disciplic succession serving as a spiritual channel and providing a delicate network of relationships that lends stability of religious identity being clarified precisely when that network becomes unstable.
In the contrast with it a particular guru lineages are called parampara and by receiving an initiation (diksha) into a parampara of a living guru, one belongs to its proper sampradaya. The concept of sampradaya therefore is closely tied to the concrete reality of guru-parampara — the lineage of spiritual masters who are both carriers and transmitters of the tradition. Initiation diksa is a means by which one can become a member of a sampradaya, it is a ritual procedure, or to an individual in the parampara, is one of the primary functions of sampradaya; one cannot become a member by birth, as is the case with gotra, a seminal, or hereditary,dynasty.
There are four Vaishnava sampradayas according to Padma Purana.
Four Vaisnava disciplic successions, inaugurated by Sri, Lord Brahma, Lord Rudra, and Sanaka, one of the four Kumaras, according to the scriptural source, appear in the holy place of Jaganatha Puri, and purify the entire earth during the Kali yuga. Sri chooses Ramanuja to represent her disciplic succession. In the same way Lord Brahma chose Madhvacharya in Brahma sampradaya, Rudra chose Visnuswami in Rudra Sampradaya, and the four Kumaras chose Nimbaditya (Nimbarka Sampradaya)." Number of traditions due to assumption of the god-like status of their founder, rejected the parent sampradaya in favour of the new, as would be an example with Ramanandis, Vallabhacharya and Swaminarayan.
http://smvs.org/ - Swami narayana mandir
http://www.sanatanadharmafoundation.com/ - Sanatana Dharma Foundation web site.
http://www.auroville.org/ - Universal city in South India, inspired by Sri Aurobindo.
http://www.saranagathi.org/ - Web site about to learn Sri Vaishnava Philosophy. With audio
http://www.brajdhamsewa.org/ - Satsang By Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj From Barsana India
http://www.ramakrishnananda.com/ - Visva Dharma Mandalam Web site by Ramakrishnananda Babaji
http://www.dvaita.org/index.shtml - Madhvacarya site
http://www.dvaita.net/ - Madhvacarya site
http://srirangamtemple.net/ - Sri Vaishnava site
http://www.ramanuja.org/ - Sri Vaishnavism, one of the main religious traditions of Hinduism
http://www.madhva.org/ - Comprehensive site about and for the Madhva community
http://www.pushtimarg.net/pushti/ - Pustimargiya site
http://www.arunachala-ramana.org/ - Ramana Maharishi's ashram, Arunachala (inc. photos and tour)
http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/siva.asp - Siva site
http://www.srivaishnava.org/ - Sri Vaishnava sampradaya site
http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/ - The advaita vedanta site - Sankara
http://www.himalayanacademy.com/ - Shivaites site
http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/ - The Divine life society - Sivananda ashram
http://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/ - Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, India
http://www.vrindavan-dham.com/ - Vrindavan Dham, description and history
http://krishnasharanam.blogspot.it/ - Gaudiya Vaishnava Samaj
http://www.kripanidhi.com/ - Pustimarga and Sri Natji
http://www.nathdwara.in/about_nathdwara.php - Nathadwar - Sri Natji
http://www.pustimarg.com/ - Pustimarga site
http://dvaita.org/haridasa/ - Haridasa site
http://www.shreeswaminarayan.org.uk/ - Swami Narayan temple, Villesden
http://www.shaivam.org/ - Shaivam (inc. audio, picture , temples, philosophy)
https://nyganeshtemple.org/ - The Hindu Temple Society of North America, Sri Maha Vallabha
http://www.svtemple.org/ - Sri Venkateswara temple, Pittsburg, USA
http://www.tirumala.org/ - Sri Venkateswaraswami in Tirumala, India
http://barnard.edu/hinduismhere/shilpa.html - Vaishnava Pustimarga temple, USA
http://www.satramana.org/ - Ramana Maharisi site, advaita vedanta
http://nonduality.com/ramana.htm - Not duality philosophy conception
http://www.arunachala-ramana.org/ - Ramana maharisi site (inc. audio and video downloads)
http://vivekananda.org/ - Vivekananda site, Ramakrishna society, Boston, USA
http://www.sivananda.org/ - Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers International
http://www.dlshq.org/index.html - The divine life society, Swami Sivananda
http://www.searchforlight.org/ - Sri Aurobindo Yoga
http://www.yogananda-srf.org/ - Site of Paramahansa Yogananda (methods of meditation
http://www.aurosociety.org/ - Sri Aurobindo society
http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/jainhout1.html - Jain history - outline
http://www.jainnet.com/ - The comprehensive resource for Jainism
http://www.panthkhalsa.org/index.php - Sikh resources for Panjab, India
http://www.sikh-history.com/ - History of the Sikhs
http://www.dasamguru.com/ - Various aspects of Sikh religion
http://www.hinduwebsite.com/links/sikhism/general.asp - Information on the Sikh religion
http://www.tukaram.com/ - Tukarama site (the great 17th century saint from Maharashtra )
http://www.onlinedarshan.com/ - treasure house of information on Hindu religion and spirituality
http://www.parakalamatham.org/ - Sri Parakala Matham, Hayagriva sampradaya (inc. picture gallery)
http://www.vedanta.org/ - Vedanta society, Ramakrishna Mission